The Selection

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-I don't know, Brian. What if... they don't choose us? - You say a little bit worried. Your boyfriend smiles and rolls his eyes.

-It's gonna be okay. We are soulmates. I'm sure about that. We are gonna be together, my love. - Brian says caressing your face with his thumb. You breathe deeply leaning your head on his hand.

-I love you. – You say. He smiles and pecks your lips.

-I love you. – Brian says back.

-Mates! The time has come! Please, take your places. The soulmates are going to be chosen. - A man in the speaker shouts. All the young people go to their place on the line. You breathe in and out again, trying to calm your heart down.

-Welcome, Mates! - A female computer voice speaks friendly. The opportunity you've been waiting for all your lives, is here! If your name is called, go with your soulmate to the indicated area. - The woman says, making your heart bump of excitement.

-First couple. – A male computer voice says. – Kris and Sam. – A boy and a girl stand up and go to their place smiling and hugging each other. - Second Couple. Joseph and Tris. – Another couple stands up. - Y/n and - You hear your name and you open a smile. Finally, you are going to be chosen! - Y/n and Haechan. – Your smiles fade away right away.

-What...? – You say to yourself not believing what you heard.

*One week ago*

-Hahahaha. Stop it, Brian! – You say laughing loud while Brian chases and tickles you.

-Hey, stop being loud. I'm trying to focus here. – Haechan says clicking his tongue. You stop and look at him.

-Focus on what exactly? You are just sleeping in the hammock. - You say putting your hands on your hips.

-It's part of my training, my dear. I have to be able to sleep in different places and conditions. But I think not even the forest and animals make all that noise. - He says turning to the side. You scoff.

-You should be training with your soulmate rather than sleeping all day like a cat. – You say and get away from him.

            Soulmates. That word is already common in the world you live. In 3021, a lot of things have changed. The technology evolved a lot. Things Men never imagined before are now possible, but along with that, came the war, the competition, the desire to evolve more and more, and, with that, the world entered in collapse. After one third of the world population was slaughtered, a new age came. The world needed to change and the only way the human found was this one.
            The Earth needs to come back at its normal pace and, for that, new researches are necessary, but the most part outside is a chaos. Because of that, the most trained young people are chosen to pass an exam to test their skills. The best ones are selected to be on the stable area of the Earth. Where once were cities and neighborhoods, now they are called Sections. The young people are taken from their families to go to the right section and train.
            The soulmates idea came after some time. The researchers noticed that couples give better results than single soldiers, and, based on that, the computer, called cupid, analyzes them and chooses the soulmate that best matches each one. The experiment proved to be perfect and after many years, the world got used to it.
            As time went by, the researches were not enough and the need of prodigy young people was increasing. That provoked a new change on the exams. The level of difficulty. Nowadays the soulmates go to the forest and the cupid is responsible to test then. Sometimes it gets so tough that not all of them survive, turning it the only way to save the life on Earth.
            You, despite that, see it as a great opportunity. Wanting to give your family a good life, you practice incessantly. A few months later, you met Brian. He is a good fighter well-known at the section. You started to talk and practice together and, one day, you fell in love with him.
            At the same time, another person who is well-known at the section is Haechan. A bad boy who likes to break the rules. You don't see him practicing anything, but even though, the boy is good at everything, and it pisses you off sometimes. You work very hard, but he, on the other hand, seems to be naturally good. After some time living together, he became your rival. You two pick up on each other and one thing you are certainly sure about him is that you hate him.

Soulmate - A Haechan SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now