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-HAECHAN! BEHIND YOU! - You shout and Haechan turns around fast, seeing a big wave coming towards you two. He widens his eyes, not being able to react in time. 

            The amount of water hits you both, dragging you to the waterfall. You roll in the water, swimming to come back to the surface. Looking for the river bank, you swim and get to a safe place, but suddenly, you see another wave. You close your eyes already waiting for it again. Not knowing where you are at anymore, you hold on a piece of trunk you found. 

-Y/N! HERE! - You hear Haechan screaming. He is leaned in a tree to not be dragged by the water again. You swim to there and lean on the tree too. - We need to climb. I don't know how many waves they are going to send. - He says breathing heavily. - Can you climb? - He asks and you nod, breathing heavily too. 

            You start to climb the tree felling tired for swimming against the current. Suddenly, your leg slips. Haechan hears it and looks down. 

-Are you okay? Do you need help? - He says reaching out his hand to help you. You move his hand away. 

-I'm fine. Keep going. - You say and he clicks his tongue. 

            You two climb until you can feel safe to lie on a branch. You lie down there taking deep breaths together with Haechan. You still can see big waves crossing the forest. 

-So that's how the tests are, hm? - Haechan comments. You knew the exam was hard, but not like that. 

-Yeah. I think we gotta sleep here today. - You say to him. Twisting your hair to dry it a bit, you prepare yourself to sleep. You take off your backpack and fix your body on the tree, which was not a small one. You cross your arms and close your eyes. 

            In the next morning, you wake up a little sore from the last night. You didn't sleep that well. It was a tree, after all. You look around searching for your soulmate, but he is nowhere to be found. You get down of the tree with your backpack. 

-Haechan! - You shout his name. You wait some seconds for him to answer, but it doesn't work. - I knew it... I have to do it alone in the end. - You sigh. 

-No, I'm here. - Haechan shows up from behind a tree. You see he is carrying fruits and eggs in his arms. - Take this. We need to keep going to get to the goal. - He says and throws a fruit for you. You catch it and look at him. 

-No, thanks. I'm gonna take it myself. - You say handing him the fruit back. He rolls his eyes and gets closer. 

-Keep it. I took it for you. - He says pushing the fruit in your direction. You shake your head refusing it and walking away. Haechan sighs deeply and follows you. Holding your wrist, he turns you around to look at him. - Look, I know we didn't want each other as soulmates. I don't know why they put us together. Maybe it was a mistake on the data. But we are together now. You want to get to the goal and I want it too. So, let's work together. When we get there, we can follow our paths. Just let's not delay it even more. What do you think? - He says and you look at him serious. He is right. You didn't want him. You wanted Brian, but there's nothing you can do about that, except cooperating with him for the same goal. - Deal? -He arches his eyebrow. You didn't imagine that he was this mature. You never saw him training, and people of the section generally didn't like him, but maybe you judged him wrong. 

-Okay, okay. Deal. - You say shaking his hand. Suddenly, you hear the cupid's voice again. 

-Congratulations, Mates! You passed the first test: Waves. Soulmates eliminated: 1. - The woman says. You two look at each other understanding a little more of the exam. 

-So, they say how many of us are being eliminated. How helpful. - Haechan says with a grin on his face. 

            You two decide to sit down to eat. Using a rock and fire, you cook the eggs that Haechan caught from a nest and eat more fruits. Feeling the energy filling up your body, you two stand up and start to walk again. 

-So, tell me. I'm curious about this "Brian". Why do you like him that much? - He asks you trying to keep a conversation. You think for some seconds. 

-Uhm... It's hard to explain. I met him a long time ago and he has always been there for me. He helped me when I needed someone. When I was sad, he made me laugh, and when he was sad, he opened up to me so I could help him too. - You say looking down and smiling. Haechan glances at you and notices your expression. The expression of someone in love. He chuckles.

 -Well, I'm seeing you really like him. - He says looking again to the front.

-Yeah... Does he really like me, though? - You wonder out loud. Haechan turns his look at you again. - He didn't even... hesitate going with Avery. I know she is better than me on the practices, but... - Your eyes start to get teary. - Was it really true when he said he loved me? - You bite your bottom lip to prevent the tears from falling. Your heart feels insecure and lonely. Haechan keeps looking at you wondering what he could say to you. He is used to be alone all the time. He doesn't know how to console someone. 

            Haechan raises his hand to caress your head, but before he could do it, you two listen the unpleasing voice again. 

-Hello, Mates! Did you sleep well? Get ready for your second test. - The computer says. 

-Oh, no... Already? - You say getting prepared. 

-Get to objective. - The woman says and stays in silent after. 

-Get to the objective? And where is it? She didn't tell us. - You say. 

-We have to search for it first, I guess. - Haechan says thinking. You see a little space with no trees and go to check. 

-Nevermind... I found it. - You say and Haechan runs towards you. 

-Wow... - He says, surprised by what he is seeing. 

Soulmate - A Haechan SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now