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-Haechan, are you bett- - Before you could finish asking, you listen another sound. 

-Hello, Mates! - The cupid says.

 -Oh, no. Here we go again. - Haechan says rolling his eyes. 

-Your next test starts in 3...2...1. - The female computer says and everything remains silent. You look around trying to sense something different. 

-Hey, look! - Haechan says pointing at the floor. You see tiny drops falling from the sky and hitting the ground. 

-It's raining. - You say and he nods. 

-Let's search somewhere safe. It might be not a normal rain. - He says and you nod. Starting to walk, you feel a drop fall on your arm.

 -Ouch. - You say looking at your arm. Haechan looks at you wondering what could have hurt you. - This drop... burnt me. - You say furrowing your eyebrows. 

-Ouch! - Haechan shouts. - It hit my shoulder. It burns. Ouch! - Another one dropped touching his skin. 

-It's like acid. - You say. Looking around, you see holes in the leaves. You widen your eyes. - Haechan... We need a safe place NOW! - You say and you two start to run. 

            Looking around desperate, you search for somewhere to hide. The rain starts to increase. Thanks to the trees, not many drops are touching your skin, but it will change quickly after all the leaves are destroyed. You and Haechan put your backpacks above the head to get protected from more burns. 

-Y/n! Over there! - Haechan shouts and you look up. He points at a cave. It's not so far away, so you both start to climb. Still feeling some drops, you groan from the pain. Haechan gets there first and helps you to go up. You look inside the cave. It's dark there and you start to feel anxious. 

-Uhm... Haechan... I don't wanna go in there... - You say stepping back. Feeling a drop on your shoulder again, you groan and step forward. 

-What are you talking about? It's safe here. Come on! - He says confused about why are you afraid to go there suddenly. 

-I... I don't like tight spaces, Haechan. - You say checking the place with concern in your eyes. Haechan gets it right away and sighs. After some seconds thinking, he steps out of the cave. 

-Okay, okay. Then... I'm gonna look for somewhere else. You can wait here. - He says and you widen your eyes.

-What? But the rain is much stronger! - You say.

-Don't worry. I can do it. - He says looking at the front and wrapping his injured arm with a shirt. You look at him surprised. "But... he will get hurt..." You think. Haechan takes a deep breath and steps forward. - Grr!!! - He groans receiving some drops. 

-No! No! - You quickly run pulling him back. Your eyes get teary, feeling guilty for almost make him go out there like this. 

-Why are you crying? - He asks turning to look at you. You pull his arm closer, thinking you could have lost him. 

-You are hurt! Don't go there! Are you dumb? - You ask him while Haechan keeps looking at you. 

-You won't enter there, so I need to find another place. - He says simply. 

            You look up at him not understanding why he is doing that for you. He could just have turned his back at you and left you there outside the cave. But he preferred to put himself in danger to help you. "Why would he do that?" You think sniffing. 

-No... I can enter the cave. Just... just give me a few seconds, please. - You say and he nods. You take a deep breath looking at the cave and noticing the tight walls and the black view. - Can you... hold my hand? - You ask looking up at him with scared eyes. Haechan nods seeing a different side of you. A scared side of a girl who needs help. You are always brave and fearless. In a way he could say that you are even braver than him. 

-Of course. - He reaches out his hand for you to take it. 

            You take it shaking a bit and he notices it. You start to walk slowly. You feel like you are being swallowed by the cave and that you cannot leave anymore. You tighten your grip and pull Haechan closer without even know it. He looks at you again and caresses your arm. 

-It's okay. It's a safe place. You won't get hurt here. - He says and you nod, breathing deeply again and trying to calm down. - Okay. We are good here. Let's sit and wait for the rain to stop. - He says and you nod sitting. Still holding your hand, he glances at you not knowing if he could let it go or not. - Uhm... Can I just take the shirt off my arm? - He says and you let go of his arm for a moment. Haechan takes the shirt which was wrapped in his arm before. 

-You could have told me your arm was still hurting. - You say looking at it . - Let me take care of it quickly. 

-It's okay. I'm fine. - He says and you look at him with an angry face. He sighs. - Okay, okay. - He says giving his arm for you. You start to take care of it changing the bandage and putting ointment. - So, you are afraid of tight places. - He asks and you nod. 

-I have never liked tight places, but... It got worse when I was a kid and fell into a deep hole. I couldn't get out, and then it started to rain and the hole began to fill with water. I was very scared, but my dad saved me in the end. But after that happened, I cannot get in these kinds of places. - You say and he nods understanding it now. - And you? Do you have any fear? - You ask him a little calmer now. 

-Yeah. Everybody fears something. But my fear is not something... how can I say...? Physical, like yours. - He says smiling and you look at him confused. - But you were courageous and came here. - He says and smiles. You never noticed that Haechan has a beautiful smile. 

-Yeah... I'm still kinda scared tho. But I could not let you hurt yourself. - You say and look at him. He looks at your eyes feeling hypnotized by them. You are close to him and he likes that. - Why would you do that for me? - You ask looking at his eyes, wondering why the boy who used to hate you is now taking care of you. 

-I don't want you to get hurt. I... I care about you. A lot. - He says and your heart starts to beat fast. You two stay in silent. 

            The sound of the rain fills up the cave together with your heartbeats. Haechan looks intensely at you. He takes a strain of hair off your face and rests his hand on your cheek. Caressing you with his thumb, he glances at your lips feeling his heart beating fast too.

Soulmate - A Haechan SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now