Hot and Cold

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-Welcome back, Mates! - The cupid says. - Your next test starts in 3... 2... 1... - The woman says and you keep walking. After some seconds, you still don't notice any change. 

-Don't you hate when it starts and you don't feel anything different? - Haechan asks annoyed. - What is the test this time? Are we breathing some kind of poison in the air or what? 

-I don't know. I hate that too. Let's just keep tuned and walk to the goal. - You say and Haechan nods. 

            Looking at the maps now and then, you keep walking finding it very strange. You and Haechan talk about random things, like strategies, your life at the section and your family. He takes off his jacket, feeling the heat of the sun. A drop of sweat rolls down your cheek and you take your jacket off as well. 

-This is pissing me off. It's not like I wanna die today, but where is this test anyway? - Haechan says and you chuckle from his sudden anger explosion. - All I can feel right now is how hot it's here. - He clicks his tongue, aggressively tying his jacket on his waist. You suddenly look at him fast with widened eyes. - W-what? - He asks.

-That's the test, Haechan! - You say. 

-What is it? - He asks confused and you roll your eyes. 

-It's getting hotter and hotter as the time goes by. We left the safe base and it was a little cold, but now we are sweating. - You say and he groans putting his hands on his hair. 

-NOOO! I hate feeling hot. It's just 9 AM and it's already THIS hot. Omg, I'm gonna die. - He says dramatically. 

-We are gonna survive, Haechan. It's not like they are gonna fry us here. - You say. 

-SHHH! Don't say it out loud. They can hear us. - He says looking around and you sigh. 

            After some hours, you are feeling a little dizzy and Haechan is living a hell. You are walking slowly, not having enough strength to speed up. Your water is almost finishing and you don't know how much more the temperature is going to increase. 

-I can't handle it anymore. - Haechan says falling on the floor. 

-Haechan... - You say kneeling down and pulling him by the arm. - Drink more water, come on... - You say with your eyes almost closing. 

-I don't have any water. - He says with his eyes closed. You sigh taking your water on your backpack. You open the bottle and pour a little of it on his head. Feeling the not so cold-water passing through his hair and meeting his skin, makes him sigh in relieve. He opens his eyes and sees your face covering the sun. You pour a bit of your water in your head too, feeling the same relieve as Haechan. - It was your water... - He says standing up in his elbow. 

-You are worse than me. You can take it. But we have to keep on. We don't know if we stay here the temperature will increase more. - You say and he nods. You two stand up and walk slowly again. - What time is it? -You ask him. Haechan looks at his watch. 

-It's 4 PM. - He says.

            After a few painful steps, you see the sky turn completely dark. You look at Haechan furrowing your eyebrows. 

-Am I crazy? It got dark out of the blue. - You say. Haechan looks at you with half closed eyes, furrowing his eyebrows too. He looks at his watch again. 

-It's 5 PM. It's night now. - He says. You two walk more. - Y/n... It's not so hot now. - He says and you nod. - Are you thinking the same as me? - He asks glancing at you. 

-Probably. It was very hot, and now, it's gonna get cold. - You say groaning. - You don't like the hot, and I don't like the cold. Now it's my turn. - You sigh. 

-Don't worry. With the cold we can get more prepared. Let's take some sticks and build a fire pit. We have our sleeping bags too. I think we can survive the night well. - He says and you nod. 

            Since then, you start to build a base for you two. You prepare the fire pit and the sleeping bags. Putting on your jackets, you start to see the cold through the chill of your skin. You find a waterfall where you refill the bottles and take fishes to eat. 

-Are you okay? - Haechan asks seeing you shivering. 

-I-I'm fine. - You answer with a steam leaving your lips. Wrapped on a thin blanket, which you got at the safe base, in a fetal position, you raise your stick with the fish on the fire pit. 

            You and Haechan eat the fish and fruits. You are not hungry anymore, but it doesn't prevent the cold. You decide to try to sleep. Entering your sleeping bag, you look at Haechan who is also trembling and with purple lips. He hears your whimpers from the cold, not wanting to ask you about his idea. 

-Y/n... - He calls you. You look up from your sleep bag, where just your eyes and nose are showing. You hum, answering him. - Let's sleep together. - He says and you widen your eyes. 

-WHAT? Haeve you gone crazy? I'm not sleeping with you. What the heck. - You say shivering and angry.

 -If we make skin contact, we can warm up better. You are cold and me too. It's only for the night. - He says trembling. You stay quiet, thinking. 

            Some seconds after, you stand up clicking your tongue and walking towards Haechan. He opens the zipper of his sleeping bag and you lie down next to him. The sleep bag is not so spacious. It was not made for two people, so you have to snuggle closer to him. You are facing his chest feeling not so warmed up as you thought. 

-Haechan, it's not working. - You say rubbing your hands to make it feel better. 

-Take off your jacket. - He says opening the zipper and taking his jacket off. 

-YOU PERVERT. YOU ARE MAKING THIS ON PURPOSE. YOU ARE LYING. - You yell at him and he furrows his eyebrows. 

-I'M NOT THINKING ABOUT ANYTHING, ESPECIALLY WITH YOU. I'M TRYING TO SURVIVE HERE. - He says looking at you angrily. You click your tongue and take your jacket off.

            Snuggling closer to him again, after some seconds you must admit that it's working a bit.

-Stop trembling so much. I cannot sleep like that. - He complains and you roll your eyes. 

-Well, I can't help it. I'm still cold. - You say pouting. Haechan sighs annoyed and puts his arm around you. You don't like the idea, but it's that or dying from the cold. So, you have to accept. 

            You stop trembling after some time. Haechan was right in the end. And you can notice that he is trying to not touch you disrespectfully. You start to think about why you used to hate him so much when you lived in the section. He is not the nicest person in the world, but he is also not the worst, as you thought. 

Soulmate - A Haechan Seriesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن