Chapter 6: She Became My Mom

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She tucked my loose hair behind my ear, then gently held my chin, "If I was your mom, I would do this so I could see my baby's face, and feel proud because such a beautiful person came from me."

My lip quivered, and I felt the sudden urge to cry at her touch. I've never been held like this before. I wanted to melt into her hands.

"Then, I would tell you that everything's going to be okay, because mom's here." Then again, she embraced me, but this time, it was warmer, better and intimate, "I'll make sure no one hurts you ever again."

I couldn't help it anymore. I cried into her shoulders. It wasn't the kind of tears that robbed me of air, like those previous nights after my parent's death and my divorce. It was the kind of tears that healed me with every drop. As if the debris of my broken life was slowly dissolving and coming out of me, and I could feel light again. It was that kind of cry. I wasn't even bothered by the other passengers and flight attendants who stared at us.

"There, there. Everything's gonna be okay. Mom's here now." She whispered as she gently stroked my head. And I felt at peace.

Is this what a mom should be like? How wonderful it is.

I was born into a world that revolved around money. Men craved for it, and the women equally did so. You wouldn't be held like this unless you were a bar of gold. I didn't experience this from my own mother, or from Clyde's mom, Mrs. Lydia. She never even allowed me to call her any form of maternal endearment.

But in just one embrace, this woman I just met, Pauline, has shown me what a mother could and should be like. If my mother embraced me once, would it feel like this?

What am I thinking? Of course, it wouldn't. Because she would never do it.

It's just so ironic to experience a mother's love after my own mother passed away.

"Thank you, Pauline." I whispered, "Thank you so much."

She stroked my back lightly before releasing me, "You're welcome, dear. I was just showing you an example, but I meant it. Everything's gonna be okay. I hope you'll believe that."

"You just gave me the strength I need to. I'll try my best." I said as I held both of her hands.

She leaned back on her chair, letting out a satisfied sigh, "Once we land, let's have a girl's date. Let's have fun."

"I thought your son is waiting for you."

She rolled her eyes, "Oh, Patrick? He let me travel alone. Doesn't even know how to treat women right. He can wait."

I laughed lightly, "Is Patrick married?"

"He's married, but he never introduced me his wife, that bastard." She clicked her tongue, "He only tells me that she's wonderful and perfect, but how am I supposed to know?!"

I chuckled at her remarks. But I suddenly felt envy for the girl. She has a husband who says wonderful things about her and in-law who's dying to meet her. I wish I had that.

What a fortunate one.

"Ah, anyway. I can't wait to get to Hawaii. But this plane is taking too long, isn't it?" She complained, "With all the money he made, he could've booked me a nicer flight. The same goes to your ass of an ex-husband."

I nodded in agreement, "You're right about that."

She let out a groan in frustration. Then, she looked at me and grinned, "You know, you should go to the bathroom before we take off. To freshen up."- she leaned over to whisper- "I saw some cute guys down the aisle. That cute flight attendant boy even paid extra attention to you earlier. All the girls in the back got so jealous."

I shot her an incredulous look, "Oh come on, Pauline."

"It's true! Maybe you didn't notice because you were too occupied with sad thoughts. But I did. Go on. Get yourself a fling or something."

I shook my head, "I just got divorced. I don't think I can do that yet."

"Would you rather grieve over a trash of a man?!" she protested. "My dear, if I was still your age and if I had your face, I would flirt and flirt, and just get all the men, because I can."


She laughed, "I'm just teasing you. I've already done that. But you haven't! And you should. I'm not telling you to replace that Clyde. But for once, try to meet and be with someone who adores you. Because you deserve it."

I stayed silent for a while, looking around the plane. I scouted the passengers and the flight attendant she was talking about. Indeed, there were people eyeing me. I don't know if it was because they found me pretty or if they saw my crying earlier. I blushed for both reasons.

I turned to Pauline, still hesitant to take her suggestion. But then she pouted and held my hand.

"Do it for me."

It wasn't something that can be classified as cute, but how can I say no after what she did for me.

"Okay. I'll do it."

She squealed and cheered, "Yay! I'll hold your bag for you. I have a makeup kit right here!"

She handed me a small, floral pouch. It was bulked. By the shape of it and from the looks of Pauline's face, I bet it was full of different colored lipsticks.

"I'll go ahead then." I smiled, squeezing my way out of our seat.

"Make sure you look pretty." Pauline whispered with much enthusiasm as I made my way towards the bathroom.

As if waiting for me, a male flight attendant walked up to me. He sweetly smiled and asked, "How may I help you, ma'am?"

I looked at Pauline, then back the guy. Pauline looked at me knowingly and winked. I rolled my eyes and smiled awkwardly, "I'm just going to the bathroom."

"Oh." He mouthed, "Let me escort you, ma'am. Right this way."

"No-no. I can do-"

"Pssst!" Pauline called out to me and shook her head slowly, as if gesturing a "no".

I sighed and gave in to her wishes, "Please lead the way then."

I looked back at her to see if she was satisfied with my actions. I smiled when I saw her do a double thumbs up, then soundlessly clapping.

Anyway, now that I've paid enough attention to it, this plane doesn't really look too bad. It looks a bit small and low-class compared to the common economy flight, but it's doable. This airport doesn't have many visitors, so I assumed its air vehicles must've been made of wood or something. But then again, they had an engine failure earlier. So, my previous assumptions are acceptable.

"Let's go." I heard a low, deep voice as I passed by a certain row.

I kept walking, then I used my hair to conceal that I was looking over my shoulder. There were two men following us. For someone going to Hawaii, they seemed to be wearing heavy clothing. I mean, trench coat and slacks? Who are they? Sherlock and Watson?

I glanced at Pauline, who was also eying the big men. She looked rather excited that there were now three men in the same aisle as I am. The two who just stood up were quite attractive. They even seemed familiar. But then again, I used to be in high society. Everyone seemed familiar and attractive up there, except for the old ones.

"Here we are, ma'am." The flight attendant stopped in front of the door to the lavatory. I nodded in gratitude, and proceeded to go inside, clutching the floral pouch from Pauline.

But before I was completely inside, I looked at the two men who were behind me.

Our eyes met for only a brief second accidentally, but my heart skipped a beat... in a bad way.

Was it just me... or were they actually glaring at me?

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