Chapter 12: She Looks Familiar

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I opened the article and the headline reads "Clyde Harrison names new resort after deceased wife."

Its content was about the Harrisons' new resort in Hawaii. It was the destination of his late wife, Olivia Harrison, when she died tragically in that Aero Kea plane accident. I'm quite surprised and repulsed actually.

When his wife was alive, he never even bothered to bring her on important events. No one ever saw her attending a single Harrison charity event, or during the World Business Awards Ceremony, where he won the Youngest Entrepreneur of the Year. I stole it from him the year after.

My point is, I don't think he even cared about his wife. He didn't have a grand ceremony. He didn't even let the press knew of his marriage until a few months. He didn't show off his wife, so we were wondering if she was even real. All we knew was that she was the daughter of the Reagans. They used to be a family of repute just one or two years ago, but they went bankrupt.

But now, all of a sudden, he builds a resort for her? Huh. I bet he's just playing his widow card. Everyone loves a businessman with a heart after all.

"What a pretentious ass." I uttered louder than I intended, making the woman in front glare at me. I put up my hands as a gesture of apology. But then I heard a woman beside me gasp, looking and sounding hurt. I looked at her in confusion, but then she stuck her nose in the air and marched away. As she did, I happened to stare at her purposely tight pants from behind. I realized why she took offense at "pretentious ass." My bad.

I scrolled down to the end of the article and there was a picture of Olivia Harrison- her russet hair loose, sunlighton her fair-skinned face, smiling in a formal suit similar to Middleton and Markle's outfits. It was a candid shot, like she just happened to look at the camera and smile. But pictures of her were rare though. I wonder where they got this.

As I observed the picture of Olivia Harrison, I couldn't help but wonder why she never made some sort of debut, and why Clyde wouldn't bring her or show her off. What was there to hide? She was... beautiful. She didn't look at all like the girls I kept meeting; with puffed hairs, red lips and gold on their faces, showing off all their bones and skin.

I couldn't think of appropriate words to describe her as I see in this picture. Classic, perhaps? Yeah, I think that fits. She looked classic, like a 50's Hollywood actress in her prime.

"Hi, sir. Welcome to the Valley. May I take your order?" I looked up and realized I was already at the front of the line.

I didn't know how to order the coffee the kid was talking about, so I went ahead and pointed at the woman who was previously in front of me.

"I'll have what she's having."

She nodded, "Ah. You mean Monday's Finest? Coming right up, sir." She tipped her chocolate hat and proceeded to work.

Monday's Finest? What an ironic name. Mondays and finest don't really go together.

"Kind of coffee name is that? What's so fine about Mondays?" I asked as soon as she was finishing up the coffee.

She chuckled, tucking her blonde-white hair behind her ear, "Nothing. That's why I made something to change that."

She placed the paper cup in front of me, filled with light brown liquid close to the brim. It gave off the most wonderful aroma of coffee I've ever come across with. She put on the lid and took out a marker.

"Name, sir?"

I was frozen for a minute, distracted by the aroma from earlier but I was able to reply, "Judah."

"Judah." She mouthed as she spelled it out, "Here you go, sir. Enjoy."

Then, she winked as she gently slid the cup to me. I gave her my card, which she took, but responded to with a dumbfounded look.

"Sorry, I have no change."

She sighed, forcing a smile, "It's okay, sir. We take everything we can."

I smirked as she answered. I took the cup an drank a bit as I waited for my payment to be processed. As soon as the coffee touched my tongue... I felt amazing. It tasted perfect. What kind of concoction is this!?

What she said was true. It really was Monday's Finest. And it's not even Monday!

"This sh*t is good- Uh, sorry, it's not sh*t. It's just-"

"Good?" She raised a brow and grinned, "We get that a lot. Thank you for your patronage." She said as she returned my card.

"Thanks, Miss..." I dragged on as I tried to read her name tag, "Liv. Miss Liv."

She looked up, giving me a full view of her face and smile, "Just Liv is fine Mister Judah-"she subtly looked at my card- "Judah Kingston."

I don't know why, but there's something strange about her smile, and... her. I squinted my eyes, clutching my phone as I tried to figure it out.

Actually, it's not strange. She looks awfully familiar.

Where have I seen her?

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