Chapter 63: We Learned the Truth

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I felt Judah's hands on my back. I didn't realize I was falling. My head spun as I looked at the frame and then back at Peyton, whose worried calls to my name only seemed to ring in my ears.

"I-I don't understand..." I had dropped the frame in shock. Judah picked it up.

Clyde is Pauline's son? No. That can't be. He's a Harrison. His mom is Lydia, Cesar's wife. Is it possible that Pauline and Cesar... in the past were...?

"Olivia," Judah's voice finally managed to get through to me. "Are you okay?"

"Olivia?" Peyton's confused tone made us flinch in surprise.

"Oh sh*t," Judah cursed under her breath.

"It's okay, Judah," I assured him before turning to Peyton. I think she's never heard of me when I was Clyde's wife. "Yes, it is. But Peyton... do you and Clyde really have the same mother?"

She was confused at my request to repeat what she just said, "Yes, we do. Mom was never married to Rick's father though, Mr. Harrison. But she was married to dad. They had me when Rick was 13."

"So, he knew you even before? He's always known he had a sister?"

She gave me a confused look, "What do you mean? We all lived together before my dad left us. Then, Rick, had us move out of town. He started working away from home and—"

"Wait," I interrupted. "Let me finally get this out of the way because I've been dying to know this. Why do you call him Rick?"

"Oh. It's short for Pa—"

"Patrick." It was Judah who finished it.

Peyton and I looked at him in bewilderment. "How do you know that?" we both asked in unison.

He just shrugged, "Anticipated. It started with P."

Oh, right.

But now that I know that, it sounded familiar. Pauline did mention on the plane that she had a son named Patrick and a daughter as well. Clyde and Peyton.

"So, he really is her son?"

But... Clyde was the one who put me on that plane. He must've known that his mother was there too. Pauline talked about him endearingly as far as I can remember. So, why the hell would he put her in a plane that he knew was bound to explode?

What if he didn't know?

Just as I was to inquire further into the matter, the door flung open behind us. A familiar voice called out in distress.

"Peyton! Peyton! Where the hell are you?!"

"Rick!" Peyton rushed towards the door. Out of the visible corner, I saw a pair of sleeved arms hugging her tightly. I knew who it was.

As soon as he entered the living room, his eyes widened in shock. Judah quickly got in front of me as soon as they locked eyes.

"You..." Clyde could barely utter.

"Harrison," Judah sneered, almost breaking the frame he was still holding. I held his sleeve to prevent him from doing anything rash. His arm trembling in rage, his jaw clenched, his eyes slowly becoming bloodshot—he was ready to kill what was in front of him.

Clyde immediately recovered from his shock. He instantly got in front of Peyton, as if shielding her from us, "What the hell are you doing here?!"

"Helping your sister, jackass," Judah angrily answered.

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