Chapter 10: I Died

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I kept my legs straight and my arms crossed over my chest as I plunged down to the sea. I closed my eyes, and in a matter of seconds, I felt the waters engulf my whole body. I immediately swam up to catch my breath. I wiped the water off my eyes to watch as the plane ascended to the skies.

"Ha!" I let out a loud sigh of relief, leaning back to float and rest for a minute.

Oh my god... I lived! Haha! That was so terrifying but so amazing! I wish I could've filmed it! I need to get that video from the guy earlier once their plane lands in Hawaii... or if they make an emergency landing first to arrest those bastards.

"Screw you, Clyde!" I yelled out loud in the open.

But then it hit me. I suddenly remembered how I got into that situation. I still had a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that Clyde wanted me dead.

He wanted to kill me?

But why?!

I felt my eyes burn both from the salt of the water and the onset of tears. All sorts of emotions filled me all at once. My head was in turmoil. Hundreds of questions formed in my mind.

Why would he want to kill me? Is it because he hated me that much? Did it have something to do with the business?

Worse, did he divorce me so he could freely kill me? So, he wouldn't be bearing the guilt of murdering his "wife"?

Anger, grief and fear pulsed within me. I was enraged. As if everything he did to me wasn't enough, he even tried to kill me! But I was also in despair because I never would've thought someone so close to me...would be able to do that.

"But then again, betrayals are done by the people you never thought would do it." That's what makes it a betrayal.

Ha. He really is human trash.

On the other hand, I also felt strangely relieved. To think I've been living with and loving a man who wanted to kill me. It was this alarming and strange wake-up call. The sense of danger overwhelmed the pain of my heartbreak.

Right now, I need to get to land first. Then, I'll try to figure out what to do next after.

"Good thing I jumped early." I mumbled to myself as I turned to what's behind me. Luckily, there wasn't that much of a distance to swim. So, I started swimming towards the rocks.

I climbed up the slippery pile of stones and finally reached a flat ground. I rested for a bit, trying to catch my breath. I looked ahead and to my anguish, I saw the long runway ahead of me.

"Agh. Damn it." I cursed under my breath, wiping my face with my sleeve. I forgot that I just escaped from a moving plane. The runway slipped my mind.

I looked far ahead, but I could only see other planes and the lines on the ground. No other people or even cars for crying out loud. I heaved a sigh. Guess I need to walk a bit.

I started moving towards the airport, feeling heavy because of my wet clothes. What do I do now? I absolutely have nothing with me. All my stuff is on the plane. My passport, my card, my clothes. Perhaps I can stay with my Mary again for a bit. I left some of my stuff there anyway.

I looked down my clothes. My eyes fell on the red stain on my sleeves.

Ah, the lipstick.

A smile formed on my lips. I wiped my face earlier. It was Pauline's lipstick. I really wish I can see her again once I've settled down. I promised her a girl's date after all. As of now, I need to fix myself first, then I'll try to find her.

"I hope she gets to her son safely."

I suddenly got worried that I left the two thugs on the plane. But I think they'll be landing soon. The pilots must've noticed them by now and called the authorities. If they haven't, the thugs would be forcing the pilots to land here to chase after me. Either way, their next step would be coming back here.

But I was wrong. The plane won't be coming back.


In the middle of my musing, I heard a terribly loud blast from the back, which created a gust of wind that reached where I was currently standing. I immediately turned and what I saw next was engraved in my mind for life.

The plane was on fire. It was engulfed in flames, as if it just came straight out of hell. There was smoke trailing behind it. One of its wings fell apart, falling into the sea. The plane itself started falling at a rapid speed, spreading the flames throughout the plane's body. did this happen?! Was it the engine? No, it was too big of an explosion. I'm sure it was a bomb of some sort.

"" I was frozen in my tracks as I watched the plane plunge from the sky to the sea.

The plummeting created a short rain on the shore, as splashes of water and waves reached all the way to the rocks. My legs lost all its strength as I thought of the passengers, the flight attendants... and Pauline.

Tears started flooding my eyes and down to my cheeks as I tried to run towards the fallen aircraft. It was too far for me to reach, but my feet kept going.

Pauline. I had to make sure she was alright.

There should've been some sort of safety gear, right?


"No. no" I kept repeating as I weakly made my way back to the shore. I was so scared. I've already lost too much. I just found a friend. I just found a mom. Please. Please not her too.

But as soon as I got to the rocks, there was another explosion.


It was bigger than the first one. It blasted me away a couple of feet from the shore. The force threw down my body so hard, and I couldn't stop myself from rolling down the runway. I laid lifeless and weak after the blast. My body ached all over. I felt a couple of bruises and scratches down as I tried to move my legs.

I turned my head towards the plane to see what was left of it, but there was none. Only the smoke rising from the damages.

"No..." I weakly wept as I watched all the remaining parts of the aircraft sink into the sea.

My heart ached. All I could think about was Pauline. Her smile, her embrace and her warmth. How she called me her child. I also thought about all the things we could've been doing and talking about right now. I never should've gone to that bathroom. I should've stayed with her.

She was someone I knew for no longer than a day, I know, but I treasured her immediately. I never had someone listen and cry for me like that. She was the first one. She was the first one I was able to talk to about the divorce. And I still wanted to tell her so much, all of the things I wished to talk about if I had someone, a mother like her.

She wasn't just a stranger.


But now she's gone. Pauline died because of me. It was those two men. They blew up the plane. They killed her...

Those two men...

"Sent by Clyde."

No. It was Clyde. Clyde killed Pauline and all the people on that plane! He's the reason why they're dead. It was all because of that monster, Clyde Harrison.

"You'll pay for this..." I muttered as I stared at the skies. My consciousness was slowly slipping away, but I kept carving the promise on my mind.

Once I get out of this state, I swear. I swear on my life and the lives of the people you murdered.

You'll pay for this, Clyde Harrison. I'll take you down with my own hands.

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