Chapter 15: I'm On A Mission (2)

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"Laxatives, uniform, shoes..." I counted all the bags, making sure I left the cab with everything I rode with.

I made my way towards the apartment. I felt excited to hatch my plan for the charity event. I walked towards door, and I suddenly felt vibration near my hips. It was my phone. I took out and read the text.

[Just finished the wall, ma'am.]

Ah. It must be the painter, the one I called to fix my wall. I sent a "thank you" in reply, then I put the phone back in my pocket. As I grabbed my keys, a guy bumped into me, almost making me dropped all the bags.

"Hey! Watch it!" I exclaimed in irritation.

"Sorry." He mumbled almost inaudibly as he paced past me. He just came out of the door I was about to enter. He seemed to be in a hurry, so I let it slide with an eye roll. But then, I smelled something familiar as he passed by.


I took a quick glance before he could disappear at the corner. On the side of his legs, roughly and messily glazed on his black plants as if accident, was white paint. And I'm pretty sure it was the white color of the wall in my room.

My heart pounded in fear. All the negative possibilities in my head were making my head spin. I tried to chase the man, but he was already gone.

"Please. Please, no..." I muttered to myself as I rushed inside the building, practically stomping on the stairs as I made my way up. I tried not to let my bags hit the walls. My hands were shaking in anxiety.

Finally, I made it to my apartment. True to my fear, the door was already opened.


I made my way in, closing the door behind me. I almost dropped the bags as strength left my legs. It was a chaos. Everything was out of place. The drawers and cabinet doors were partly opened, some of my clothes were on the floor, and everything on my table was a mess. It was ransacked. I had only had a few things when I got here, so the thief must've been frustrated not to find anything. But I did have one valuable thing...

"My money." I suddenly remembered.

I rushed to the bed and lifted up the entire mattress. It was gone. The money was gone! I shook my head, in denial of what I saw, or didn't see. I began searching under the bed, on top of the bed, under the pillows, everywhere.

I felt hot tears fall from my cheeks as I left everything nothing unturned. It was no use.

The money was gone.

"Damn it..." I fell to the floor and sobbed.

It's not just the money. I can easily get the other half of my money from Mary, but that would be my last resource. If I use that, I won't have anything left. My resolve shattered. My will for revenge suddenly got weak. The fact that I was easily subdued by a thief made me realize how powerless I am.

"Why is this happening to me...?" I asked no one, because no one could ever answer me.

I felt so pathetic. I live alone in this apartment, with no family and friends, and with the little money I have... I'm trying to go against a billion-dollar company? For a personal vendetta? Ha. What was I thinking?

I overestimated my once powerful Reagan name. The thing is, I am no one now. I have no power. I'm dead, for crying out loud. I only have my anger.

I look at the things I bought, all useless now. Then, I took out my phone to check out the Harrisons' website again. I was hoping my resolve for revenge would be reignited, but as I scrolled down their coming events, I felt even more hopeless.

"Haha...Who am I kidding..." I laughed at myself as I saw the reality of my uselessness.

As I was about to close my phone, an ad for an article popped up. I saw a familiar name and clicked on it. It was an article about Clyde's greatest rival, Judah Kingston. It was how he won Youngest Entrepreneur of the Year after Clyde, then it starts comparing the two.

"Kingston." I remember him. Clyde would always be frustrated when he hears this name. I hated him too, but only because of Clyde. In reality, I was amazed that someone like him was able to make a name equal to the legacy of the Harrisons in such a short time. And he was young as well. I never got to see him in person because I never showed myself in events. Clyde wouldn't let me because he said I might "steal the show". And the idiot me always got flattered and believed him. Thinking about it now irritates me. I can't believe I fell for that crap!

Anyway, Judah Kingston is the only one equal to Clyde Harrison when it comes to everything- skills, wealth, and looks. But unlike Clyde, I heard that Kingston was a ladies' man. Clyde was never interested in other women as far as I knew him. Well, he cheated on me so apparently, I was wrong.

"Kingston, huh. Looks like he's doing well for himself."

It says here that his new hotel gained a 5-star rating faster than the new Harrisons' hotel. Wow. He actually beat the Harri...sons...

I froze in my thoughts. Judah Kingston was able to beat Clyde Harrison. In that ranking, he was able to take him down. So, he actually won against the Harrisons.


"That's it. That's what I need!"

My heart pounded in excitement, more than it did when I thought about the laxative plans. The flame inside me was ignited as a new plan was being crafted in my head. I wiped my tears and quickly rushed to the table. I grabbed my notebook and my pen and began hatching up my new plan.

Judah Kingston. You're my new secret weapon.

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