Chapter 44.5: He Was Alone

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Harris-Moore was a town of thieves.

Everyone in the neighborhood knew that, and it was true. Almost every other day, houses, stores and even individuals would wake up to something missing from their belongings; and almost every other night, people would be alarmed by the noises of street fights, rioting robbers and drunks, and the sound of police sirens.

This night was no different.

Blue and red lights glared from the outside of nearby houses. Neighbors in their night clothes peeked from their porches to see the usual spectacle, with usual curiosities—whose house is it? What got stolen? In the most unfortunate of situations... who died?

And it was an unfortunate situation.

Two filled body bags rested in front of the surrounded house.

Captain Hale, the precinct captain, walked up to the one investigating the bags, "What do we have here, Detective Pearson?"

"Captain," The detective stood up and read from his notepad, "One woman in her 40's. She was pregnant and... she broke her neck."

"Good god." Captain Hale let out a heavy sigh, "What about the baby?"

"The medics said it was only three months. The mother's been dead for more than an hour. Either way, the baby wouldn't have made it."

"I see. Two lives in one bag. Such a loss." The captain shook his head in dismay, "How about the other one?"

"A 40-year-old man. Shot in the head. He's also got a smell on him."


"Alcohol, sir."

"Ah." The captain walked towards the body bags and opened a bit to reveal their faces, "This woman. She has bruises on her face."

The detective moved closer, "Yes, sir. They were husband and wife. We suspect domestic violence."

"Damn it. Even with child, she wasn't spared." The captain gently put back the cover before turning to the other rotting bag, "So, who's the hero that put a bullet in this bastard's head?"

"He shot himself, sir. We're still running the prints, but the boy said he found the gun in his father's hand."

Captain Hale stood up and turned around at the mention of a new character, "Boy? What boy?"

Detective Pearson pointed to the little boy seated in their open car, covering himself with a blanket.

"He's their son. Apparently, he came home from school and found his parents dead. He called the police immediately."

"Oh sh*t..." Captain Hale's head shifted to the ground, a weight on his chest pulling him down, "You handle the prints and the bodies. I'll talk to the boy."

"Yes, sir."

Without wasting a second, the detective went to his team while Captain Hale made his way towards the boy, who couldn't do anything but look down on the concrete ground, motionless. The captain was surprised upon seeing his face. An innocent-looking, young chap of probably 10 years. For someone of his age, and who just saw his parents dead, he was calm and collected.

Maybe it's the trauma, the Captain thought. That or the lack of sentiment for his folks. Clearly, things weren't good at home.

"Hey, little guy. How you holding up?" The captain leaned on the car, trying to start a conversation with him, "I'm sorry for what happened to your family. I can't imagine what you must be feeling right now."

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