Chapter 35: They Wanted an Italian Mistress

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For the past hour, I've been pretending to work when really, I've just been staring at Judah, who still had his eyebrows wrinkled down the middle in frustration, angrily flipping through documents.

He sounded damn pissed back in the conference room a few moments ago. When Mr. Cohen walked out, Judah stormed off to the opposite direction, pacing fast. I have never seen him get that angry before. I couldn't follow him or approach him yet, so I just hid myself between the plants outside the conference room until he got far enough.

"Machiavelli." I tried to do a search for this potential partner Mr. Cohen mentioned in his conversation with Judah. I had an idea about them already because they were mentioned in one of the Harrisons meetings, but I didn't do further research.

"Multi-billionaire. Resort hotels and restaurants all over the globe. Art Galleries. Wine business too, huh. And motorcycles? Come on." They're like the Italian Kingston, but bigger and without the galleries, cars and wine. Cohen's right. They just might be the most beneficial partner Kingston might get.

I did a search for Machiavelli's family. Cohen mentioned a daughter who had a crush on Judah. Pictures of Machiavelli's only daughter filled up my screen. Sofia Machiavelli. She looks a bit younger than me, but way, way better. Damn, she's like Aphrodite in the flesh! Silky, shiny ash brown hair; smooth, beige skin; full lips, gorgeous green eyes and face structure that would pass any beauty test. Her body? Heavenly. She's definitely the kind of Mrs. Kingston everyone would be expecting. She and Judah would be a perfect match.

I tried to search for a photo of me and Judah at the wedding. I had a lot of makeup on, and with my hair and eye contacts, I looked unrecognizable. Maybe that's why, even though my face came up on TV, the Harrisons didn't become a tad suspicious. I looked so different from my pictures as Olivia Reagan. Well... picture. Just this one candid shot that I had no idea about. There wasn't really a lot of me online. I didn't have any social media back then.

I took a photo of Sofia, Judah and me, putting them side by side on the screen.

"Crap and sh*t!" I looked like a potato beside them! I'm pretty sure this Sofia is taller than me too!

Maybe Cohen was just being reasonable. I mean, if this girl likes Judah, there's no reason he wouldn't marry her. She's the most ideal partner, not only for the CEO but for the company itself. And I'm just...

Let's face it. I'm just using Judah to get to Clyde. Well, we're using each other... but now, I kinda feel like I'm being selfish. I'm holding Judah back from the best thing that can ever happen to Kingston.

"Via." The sound of the phone startled me. It was a special one only connected to Judah's office. I looked up and saw him through the glass wall, gesturing for me to come inside the office.

Dear god. What should I do? Should I talk to him about this? Sofia can help Kingston more than I ever could, and Judah knows this too. But I can't divorce him... not yet. We still have a deal. Maybe he can take Sofia as his mistress? And then marry her after our contract.

Yeah. We can make that work. I mean, it's not like we have any romantic attachments. Judah and I are friends. And if there's one thing I learned about being his partner is that he will do anything for Kingston.

"Alright. Let's- ah." I stopped as I was about to open the door to Judah's office. What was that in my chest? It stung.

Nah. It was probably nothing.

I brushed it off and entered the office, "You called for me?"

He was standing with his back on me as he was reviewing some documents, "Yeah. I need you to review this report about Kingston Couture, and send it to the media department. Apparently, sales went down by 2.15 percent. We can't have that. We need to give the brand more media coverage in socials and women's magazines."

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