Chapter 52: He Found Out

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The first thing I felt was the throbbing in my head. My vision opened to a blurry ceiling with a chandelier. It felt like something was churning in my stomach. I was aching to throw up. But something felt way worse than all of those.

The softness of the sheets. The scent of the pillow. The empty space in my arms' width.

I was on a bed. An awfully familiar bed.


As soon as I realized, I sat right up. The scene that greeted my sight made me sick in my stomach. The same cream interiors and pale furniture; the same drapes and frames on the walls.

I was in a room. My old room.

At the Harrison Mansion.

Even the stuff I used to own—from books, stationaries, makeup and perfumes—were still untouched. The damage of time was a bit evident on them, but they were still intact. The strangest thing of all? It was clean. No dust or dirt. It was as exactly like when I was still here.

"You're awake."

The voice sent unpleasant chills down my spine. He was there when I fainted. He's the one who brought me here.


I prepared my disguised voice, "You. Why did you bring me here?"

He raised a brow in a conceited expression, "I think the word you're looking for is 'thank you'. I brought you here to help you."

I glared at him, "How dare you bring me here—"

"You know where you are?"

I quickly hid my anxiety and surprise. I almost lost my mask there.

"I am not stupid, Mr. Harrison. This is a fully furnished room. It is obviously your disgusting lair."

"Lair? How do you know it's not our hotel?"

"I've been to one, and it's not like this. And you may be incompetent, but not foolish enough to bring a passed-out Kingston in your own public territory."

He nodded, putting on a smug smile, "Hmm. You are smart. No wonder Kingston chose you."

For a minute, we just stood there trying to figure each other out. I made sure he notices my discomfort and fury. But strangely, he didn't look too hostile. No. He was... melancholic in a very bothering way. He was looking at me like I'm a dear friend he hasn't seen in years.

And it was a far too dangerous expression.

"I need to leave now." I got out of bed and stood up, but my head started spinning. I quickly grabbed the bed post.

He rushed towards me, reaching out his hand, "Be careful—"

But I drew my body away, "Don't touch me! I can help myself. Where the hell are my things?"

"Over there," he pointed to the chair at the foot of the bed.

I took weak strides towards the chair, but just after I got a hold of my things, my head started spinning again. I fell onto the bed.

"Woah," Clyde attempted to reach me once more, but I withdrew my arm again, scowling at him.

I stood up—fortunately, steady this time—and walked to the door, "I was never here."

"You have to be more careful from now on, Mrs. Kingston," he told, making a rattling sound behind me.

I turned around to see him holding a plastic bottle of medicine, "What the hell is that?"

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