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Word count: 2022


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Walking along the track around the football field you tried to take deep breaths. You hadn't been participating in PE for a really long time now and you wanted to take part this time. It was just running, how bad could it be? You didn't just want to sit and watch the others do stuff. It was unfair that you had to sit on the side lines whilst other people made great memories with their friend. 

"Are you sure you're up for this (Y/N). You know you have troubles and you shouldn't push yourself" your PE teacher said as he came up to you. "Don't worry! I'll be fine" you said brushing him off. He was always worried about you and tried to make sure you were okay every PE session. You appreciated the effort but you were fine. You were sick of everyone treating you like you needed to constantly be looked after. You weren't that damn sick. You didn't need a wheelchair or a constant advisor or something like that. They should focus more on those people that have it even worse than you! And after all you weren't a little kid anymore. You knew how to take care of yourself!

The teacher blew the whistle and you and your classmates started running. It was only warm up at this point, one round around the running track. It wasn't a race but your classmates always made it a race. You didn't understand the need to be better than everyone else. Or the fuss about being fast and in such good shape. You swore everyone in your class except you did some sort of of sport on the side. Some people even had multiple sports they did. 

 You hadn't been running for long until you felt your chest starting to hurt. You being you ignored it. It was probably nothing. Your chest hurt out of nowhere for no reason after all. You winced, almost tripping after a pang of pain shot through your chest. You kept running, determined to partake in class. Your lungs ached as you struggled to breathe. OK, maybe this wasn't such a good idea but you had to finish it. You couldn't just stop now when you'd gotten so far around the track!

Your legs gave up and you crashed down to the ground heaving for air and coughing like you had the black death. Once again you had pushed yourself too far. Your bones ached as you trembled, trying to get up. A sudden wave of nausea and light-headedness hit you. The last thing you could remember was coughing up some blood before you blacked out.

You woke up after what seemed like just a second in the nurses office in 'your' bed. You were in this bed so often you and the nurse joked that it was your second bedroom. Unlike most your teachers you liked the nurse. She always treated you nice, almost as if you were sisters. She was also fairly young so she was relatable and easy to speak with. And there was the fact she treated you like just another human instead of a deathly sick child like you felt most people did. You groaned and rubbed your chest where it had hurt the most. You sighed as your arm fell back down next to you. You shouldn't have tried to participate in PE today.

You noticed a familiar black mist at your side. You looked over to the side to be met with death himself. Most would be horrified and confused, yet this was a familiar sight to you. You were in a car accident when you were only six years old. It wasn't just a simple crash, it was a freak accident and it was a miracle you survived. Yet it effected you even to this day. Even if you survived you had been mortally wounded, wounded enough to call death itself. 

 It soon became obvious you weren't dead and he had been send there my accident. Though shockingly he took the chance to slack off. You, being only six, were terrified about your position. Death had comforted you and calmed you down until the ambulance arrived. Many portray Death as this evil or malicious entity. Yet here he was, taking his time to comfort a scared child. 

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