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(( I don't know what to do now- I honestly have no idea- I had an idea whilst taking a shit but now my head is empty :'D Maybe it's because of school idk- Anyways I will do my best to make this good .p. I never knew the strength of writers block until now- I have had art block many times but never writers block- You guys know anything that might help? Taking another shit? ))

It was the middle of the night and Sans was unable to sleep. There were too many thoughts bouncing around in his head. 

Sans was really happy he could stay with you. This was his new home. But he really hadn't though this through. He didn't think of anything before since he deep down knew that Undyne and Papyrus would come an find him.

Sans expected his brother to drag him back up to the realm of the gods. He expected Undyne to blow his non-existant eardrums out. That moment Sans saw Undyne and Papyrus in the forest he though it would end. That he would never be able to see you again. But no.

Now everything hit him though. Sans was immortal and you weren't. Or maybe you were? Sans could touch you and every time you had an issue with your health you never die. No matter how close you got to death you never really died.

What would happen when you finished college? What if your family got sick of Sans? Your brother did say that Sans could stay for as long as he needed but Sans really hadn't meet your father yet. What if your father kicked him out?

Your father had been on a business trip for the last weeks Sans had been there so they hadn't meet yet. Yes Sans could just go back to his job but he didn't want that. He was so damn sick of reaping souls. Even though Undyne told him he would have to work every now and then it didn't matter as long as Sans could stay with you.

Sans sighed and sat up in the couch. Sans normally had no trouble sleeping and could fall asleep literally anywhere but tonight it just wasn't happening. 

Sans heard stirring from your bed and looked over to where you were sleeping to see you sitting up in your bed, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes. Sans walked over to your bed and sat down on the edge of your bed. 

"Shouldn't you be sleeping?" Sans asked you. "Speak for yourself" you replied with a groggy voice. "Why aren't you sleeping?" you asked Sans rubbing your eyes once more. "I just have a lot on my mind" Sans asked looking away. 

Sans knew very well that if he told you all the things he was thinking about your would worry. You really didn't need to worry. You already had enough to think about with your college starting again soon. 

You looked at Sans with a tired and worried expression. "You're not gonna tell me why are you?" you said, almost reading Sans' mind. "Nope" Sans answered bluntly.

Without giving Sans time to react you wrapped your arms around Sans' back and dragged him down on the bed next to you. You rested your head on Sans' shoulder, your arms still wrapped around him. 

Sans froze as you dragged him down. Sans could feel his face heating up more by the second. He most likely looked like a blueberry at this point. You noticed and giggled at Sans' blueberry state. 

Yes Sans was flirty and touchy at times but really didn't expect you to do anything like this. Sans knew you liked to cuddle but you really didn't do anything without Sans starting it. 

"If you're not going to sleep on your own I'll force you to" you said hugging Sans tighter and closing your eyes. Sans sighed and wrapped his arm around you, his blush fading a bit. Sans closed his eyes trying to get tired.


You sighed contently as you rested against Sans' shoulder. For being made of bones he was very comfortable to sleep on. 

You had been trying to sleep for a while but kept hearing Sans tossing and turning so in the end you just dragged him into your bed to stop him. Now Sans being trapped in the cage called a hug you would need to hear him tossing, turning and sighing trying to fall alseep.

You knew what it was like not being able to sleep. There were many night you weren't able to sleep, wether it was because of school, your siblings or you health, you knew how it was. 

"Hey (Y/N)?" Sans said, breaking the silence. "What?" you replied. "What do you call a fake spaghetti?" Sans asked, you could just hear his shit eating grin. "Sans not now" you said, wanting to sleep.

"No, come on! What do you call a fake spaghetti?" Sans pushed, clearly not wanting to sleep as much as you. "Fine, what DO you call a fake spaghetti?" you asked. "An im-PASTA" Sans answered. 

"Nohohoo, that was so baad.." you said laughing in between your words. "Saans- you need to sleep!" you said, knowing that if Sans didn't sleep soon he would be trashed the next day. 

"What is a skeletons favorite instrument?" Sans asked getting ready for another pun. "Sans no-" you tried. "The trom-BONE" Sans said chuckling at your reaction. Sans really didn't want to sleep did he?

"Knock knock?" Sans asked once more. "Fine, who's there?" you said, annoyed. "Dishes" Sans replied, his grin never leaving. "Dishes who?" you asked, genuinely curious about what the pun might be. "DISHES a very bad joke" Sans said chuckling. You started laughing too, that one caught you off guard.

If Sans was gonna play this game you wouldn't let him win. "What day does chickens hate the most?" you asked Sans. "What?" Sans responded, caught off guard and still chuckling after the last joke. "FRY-day" you responded laughing at your own joke. 

Sans burst out laugh at this. You tried shushing him in fear that he might wake up your siblings but to no avail. This was going to be a long night. 

(( Not a lot happening in this chapter but I hope you enjoyed the cuddles! :D I have had writers block with this book for a while now and I felt like I really needed to get a chapter out for the people that read this. I hope that none of you guys that read this book just drop it because of the slow updates, I am doing all I can to update more but I just have no ideas on how- I also feel like the book is very short and not very good so it keeps demotivating me . _. So please be patient I am trying my best to get out chapter as fast as I can! But just know unlike other authors I will not discontinue this book because I know how much it sucks when I find a book I like and the author never finishes it T-T I also dropped the thicc text for Reaper's part in this chapter because that would just be an eyesore  ))

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