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(( I am amazed. Earlier today I came up with an idea for a chapter. Great! :D I have a rule to post a chapter at least every weekend and try to come up with something in the business days and I got an idea. What you have seen the last two chapter and what is in this chapter is the idea I had. It was all supposed to ONE chapter XD And it ended up being three and the end of the book. What the fuck XD Forgive my language but what the fuck XD ))

You and Sans were making your way up a ledge at mount Ebott. You knew there was a ledge there not too far up. It had a beautiful view of the town and therefore the market.

You had been there once with Jason. You and Jason had been there one night stargazing. Before Jason got into the police department he was always very interested in astrology and space. You swore that he would become a researcher or an astronaut. Jason had always talked about wanting to make the world and your home town a better place so it made sense he became a police officer.

When Jason had heard there would be a meteor shower he took you up to the ledge and you and him made a nice little picnic. You had all sorts of good snacks and food, the most comfortable blanket, good chairs and even a telescope. You and him had been up there all night and the next day you were so tired you got to skip school. That was a good day.

"Ugh, are we there yet?" Sans complain, clearly tired after the eventful day. "We're almost there" you said giggling a bit. "Don't worry it'll be worth it. And when we get home we can chill, watch some movies and eat ice cream, ok?" you said tempting Sans. "Ugh, fine" Sans responded, you could see a tiny smile on his face though when you mentioned the last part.

As you and Sans made your way to the ledge you looked at the view, letting out a content sigh. As Sans came up a bit behind you he came to a quick stop as he stared out at the town, seemingly speechless. 

You giggled a bit at Sans' expression as you reached into your bag. You took a blanket you prepared before you had went out and laid it out on the soft grass. At the ledge there were two tables with benches attached to them but you thought it would be much better to be on the blanket. There was just something special about sitting on a blanket instead of a bench in places like these. 

You sat down on the blanket and soon enough Sans came and sat down right next to you. Sans was still entranced to the view. You giggled once more at Sans as you adjusted the forget-me-not Sans had given you which you had put in your hair. 

"Why haven't you taken me here before?" Sans asked, finally breaking out of the trance. "I don't know, I guess there just hasn't been a good occasion. Besides if this is your first time here you would remember it better" you said smiling and staring into Sans' pinpricks. For just being two white dots in a hole his eyes where beautiful. 

This moment reminded you of when you had tried taking part in the PE class and had passed out the entire day. His expression now was close to how he was then, when he was staring out at the beautiful sunset. Calm and at peace, not having a single worry.

Your attention was brought away from Sans as you heard the fireworks start up. You both turned your attention to the sky as it exploded in all different colours. 

You hadn't seen fireworks many times but you were just as amazed every time. You never really went outside at new years eve to watch the fireworks sine your father and brother were scared of you getting sick. It never went well when you were sick.

"It's beautiful" you said looking at the explosions in the sky, fireworks were really one of the best things created by man. "Not as beautiful as you" Sans said scooting over next you and put an arm around your waist, bringing you closer to him. 

You felt your face flush as Sans did this. Even though you were flustered and looked like a tomato you decided to rest your head on Sans' shoulder. 

Sans looked down at you and gently grabbed your chin to make you look up at him. If it was possible you felt your face heat up even more. Sans leaned in closer and you could feel his hot breath on your face. 

"Can I?" Sans asked staring lovingly into your eyes. You nodded, not wanting to wait any longer. Sans closed the small distance between you two and kissed you gently. You kissed back happily. Nothing could be more romantic than this moment.

As you parted you stared into Sans' pinpricks, happier than ever. "I love you" Sans said almost in a whisper. "I love you too" you answered dragging Sans into another kiss. 

You hadn't noticed until now how deeply in love you were with Sans. Now that you thought back to all the moments you had with him you felt a warm feeling in your soul.

You really had been flirting with death.

(( Oh my god this was too cute TwT I think I died writing this. I honestly want to cry. And then there is the picture at the top which is pure cursed XD This has been one hell of a ride. Sometimes I spit out three chapters a day and others there are over a week between every chapter and the chapters aren't even good XD I hope that you have enjoyed this story :D ))

Flirting with death [Reaper!Sans X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now