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(( EEE don't know how to start the chapter but I'll tryy DX ENJOY ))

You groaned as you felt a ray of sunshine hit your face. You opened your eyes only to be blinded by the sun. You closed your eyes again and sat up in your bed. You huffed and looked at the digital clock next to your bed. 12.34?! How long had you been sleeping.

Your eyes widened in shock. You had never slept this long. You heard the twins laugh and make ruckus downstairs, you hoped that Jason was home from work today.

You looked over to Sans to see him still sleeping soundly. You wondered how he could sleep through the ruckus of the twins. You did too but you had never been that tired before. 

He was lucky the sun didn't reach over to that side of the room through the crack in the curtains. 

You got up rubbing the sleep out of your eyes and walked over to Sans. "Sans you need to get up" you say sitting down next to the couch in front of his legs. Sans mumbled something before he turned his back to you. You sighed and giggled a bit.

"Come on! Get up, it's almost 1 PM!" you say exaggerating to get him up. Sans took his covers and threw them over his head. You walked back to your bed and grabbed a pillow.

"Last chance" you say, getting the pillow ready. Sans didn't move an inch. You throw the pillow full force into Sans, making him jump with a yelp. You grab another pillow and hit him playfully over the head.

Sans yelped once more and fell off the couch. You laughed as you sat down on the couch, feeling tear start to form in the corner of your eyes. Sans flopped on the floor and started laughing himself.

As you finally calmed down you dropped the pillow on Sans' face and walked to your bathroom wanting to take a shower.

You threw off your PJs and stepped into the shower, feeling the aches of yesterday fade away. You stepped out of the shower and tried yourself.

You put on a (F/C) singlet and some black shorts. It was very hot today. 

You walked out of the bathroom to find Sans back on the couch again but this time only with his turtleneck off. You sigh and walk over to your pillow which was lying on the ground, getting ready for round two.


You and Sans were walking side to side after going grocery shopping. You had noticed that there were a lot of necessities you were missing and since Jason had soo much fun taking care of the two little demon you decided to take Sans with to the grocery store.

Sans seemed to be entranced by the amount of ketchup he saw when you were walking through the isle the ketchup was in. You had to drag him away using the handle of the shopping basket. 

Even though the store wasn't very big Sans seemed to be amazed by everything in it. You would have had expected him to have seen more of 'the mortal land' as he called it, but you guessed he had just been more focused on his job rather than what was around him.

You and Sans had a lot of fun in the bakery isle. You let Sans pick out some treats and he picked out almost everything in the shop. You had no problem it though, you had a bit of a sweet tooth and were always up some some pastries and snacks.

Right now you and Sans were walking home and you saw an alleyway you recognised. You had walked through it many times when walking home from school after staying for a bit longer than you thought you would. Yes it was maybe a bit risky but you didn't care, what was the chance something would happen anyways?

You and Sans walk into the alleyway, you being way too confident that nothing could go wrong. "(Y/N) I really don't think we should be here" Sans say looking around very visibly anxious. "Don't worry! Nothing has happened to me before when I walked here" you say confident. "No I think I have been in this alley before, reaping someone" Sans says, whispering the last part.

Before you could answer Sans some big guys jumped out blocking the exit. One of the two men pulled out a gun. Before you could react he shoot aiming at you. Sans quickly pushed you down behind a dumpster, diving out of reach with you.

"OK, this is how it's gonna go" one of the men started. "You're gonna give me all your money, we're gonna walk away and you'll let it happen" the man said. 

You didn't even notice Sans was holding you tightly into his chest. He looked down at you worried for a second before turning his attention to the two men. Another shot was fired at the dumpster. "You can't hide forever!" one of the men yelled. 

Sans stood up despite you trying to drag him back down. He walked out into the middle of the alleyway, making the two men very confused. The two shared a look before turning their attention to Sans, aiming their guns at him.

"Give us your money and me might let you live!" one of the men said. You were still siting behind the dumpster shaking uncontrollably. It started getting harder to breathe. It really didn't help with the panic.

As you heard the unmistakable sound of Sans summoning his scythe and cutting the dumpster into with it you blacked out. 


As Sans summoned his scythe he saw the two human's eyes widen. They backed up and ran away. Sans had learnt that monsters in the mortal land didn't have strong magic. They never used it unless it was a life threatening situation, but even then it wasn't very strong.

Sans looked over to you worried. He had touched you. He ran over and crashed to his knees next to you. He saw you limp on the ground and feared the worst. He picked you up and sat you in his lap and listened for breath. 

Sans let out a breath he was holding in when he heard you breathe. Sans sat you up so your back was against his chest, his hand gently caressing your cheek. He was able to touch you? 

He couldn't explain the feeling that shot through his bones every time he touched you. Sadly he didn't have time for that right now, he needed to get you home.

He took off your backpack with the groceries in and put it on. He picked you up bridal style getting ready to teleport back to your home.

Sans lied you down in your bed as he had teleported. He gently caressed your cheek for a bit before standing up. He took the backpack down to your brother, missing your smooth skin.

(( I hope that Sans' part wasn't creepy XD I finally got around to writing this after a lot of second guessing myself and doubting myself . _. But hey I did it :D I hope again that Sans wasn't creepy XD Even though he kinda was- Anyways hope you enjoyed amma try and start writing the next chapter ))

Flirting with death [Reaper!Sans X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now