Scaramouche x Reader 2 ◇

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[school AU, written in lowercase]

"it's raining outside, class. for your lunch break you'll be staying in here, so your clothes don't get soaked. i am trusting you all." the teacher left the classroom and it was quiet in the class.

i quietly lay my head on the table and shut my eyes, trying to at least doze off for the 45 minute break from lessons we had.

"hey, scaramouche!" i briefly heard a voice behind me. it sounded quite cheerful and the person was bubbly. i couldn't help but to listen in.

"what, dipshit?"

"who's that person in front of ya? sleeping, maybe?"

scaramouche turned his head forward and sighed. he was acting out his plan.

"that's y/n, idiot. don't blame her for sleeping, i'd make myself sleep forever if i had to be in a class with you all the time..." scara chuckled and put his feet up on the desk.

the bubbly voice, which was revealed to be childe, strolled forwards to me and tapped my desk lightly. i lifted my head up and squinted at the light.


"you alright there? kinda thought you were dead, not gonna lie!" childe laughed and i nodded, yawning.

"childe, just go piss zhongli off. she's clearly not interested." scaramouche sighed and i turned around to look at him. our eyes met and the contact broke almost instantly since his face went red.

"rude! but actually... that's a good idea! see ya, comrade!" and there he went. accepting the fate that i wouldn't fall asleep, i moved my chair around and glanced at scaramouche. he stared back  at me.




"making that moron leave me alone."

scaramouche chuckled louder this time and sighed afterwards.
"anytime. i've had enough crap from him for one day."

"related?" i asked him curiously. he seemed to be confused with the conversation, like he didn't expect it to keep going.

"nah, more childhood friends maybe. don't really care." he smirked and shot his head back at childe, who was pestering zhongli.

"hey, um, mind if i get your number? i don't really have any friends here." i awkwardly smiled and grabbed my phone.

"sure. here." scaramouche typed in his number into my phone and i nodded in approval.

"wait, be right back.." i left the classroom and headed into the bathroom before opening up my messages.


hii! uh, i know we've just properly became friends and all...



sure, i'll date ya. i can't lie, i've liked you a lot for a while. childe told me u feel the same, right?

ehe... not sure how he knew that, but yup..!

he has his ways, ig. ttyl, he won't
stop pissing me off now. <3

eh?? alr then, see ya in a bit!! <3

[this is so bad it moved so quickly imo but go off scara simps </3 id only want to go to school if the genshin dudes were there 🤤]

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