Childe ◇

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"You're bleeding..."

Childe laughed quietly and put his hand on a wound that rested just above his eyebrow. Blood was dripping down the side of his face, and it seemed he had no intention of taking care of it.

"Aha, it's fine. Really, I'm in no pain." He tried to reassure me, but I wasn't having it.

"No, it's not fine." I started, grabbing a cloth out of my bag and placing it on the wound. Childe winced in pain, before gazing up at me.

"Ow! That hurts! You're gonna make me cry!" He sarcastically whined.

"I'll give you something to cry about if you keep getting yourself hurt like this! What if you do it again and I'm not there to help you out?"

Childe kept silent for a second before quietly laughing at me.
"You're not gonna leave, though. You love me too much!~"

I glared at him. Though he was not wrong.
He took the advantage to press his lips on to mine.

"Childe!" I groaned in embarrassment and shoved the cloth back where it was.

After it had stopped bleeding, I took a plaster, peeled the wrapper off, and lightly placed it on the wound.

"There you go. Please be careful."

Childe grinned at me gratefully and stood up.

"Thanks... oh, yeah! I need to find something down by a beach in Liyue! Wanna come with?" He didn't even wait for my answer and started walking. I quickly caught up with him.

As we reached the beach, I looked around to see if there was anything in particular Childe was searching for.

"What is it you're looking for?"

Before I could get an answer, I turned around to see him picking up shells and putting them in a bag.

"Ookayyy then! I'll go look behind that rock thingy." I turned back around and headed around a giant rock, just to find a variety of shells stacked around.

"Jackpot!" I yelled, instantly putting them into my bag for Childe.

"Hey, Y/N! Did ya find any-"

He was cut off by making eye contact
with a fatui skirmisher pyroslinger, about to shoot me in the back.

Just as I was about to see what Childe was looking at, I felt something painful hit me.
It must have left a bruise, because the pain didn't go away.

I summoned my sword and ran towards Childe.

"T--Tartaglia..." The skirmisher mumbled, dropping his gun-like weapon in shock.

Childe ignored him and turned to me, pulling my waist towards him.
"You okay? Did that hurt you badly, darling?" He whispered, my face heating up.

"I'm fine, don't worry..." I replied. He nodded and let go of me, and started to slowly walk towards the skirmisher.

"M-My apologies, Tartaglia... I did not realize-"

"-That you injured my girlfriend? Well, it's not like you are going to make that mistake again."

In the blink of an eye, Childe was clutching his bow, and the skirmisher that was before in front of us was now mere ashes, blowing with the wind.

"Sorry about that." He pulled me into his arms and placed a kiss on my head. "It was his fault for hurting you. I will never, ever forgive people who do that."

I smiled slightly.
Childe took my hand and tied a bracelet decorated with shells on my wrist.

"It's beautiful! Is this why we came to the beach in the first place?" I asked, grinning down at the bracelet.

"Of course it was! It's just a small gift to thank you for helping me earlier..."

I kissed Childe's cheek and smiled.

"Careful, if you keep being so adorable, I might just have to marry you~"

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