Kamisato Ayaka x Reader <3

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Ayaka lay her head in my lap as we discussed anything and everything; talking was... nice, for us.
I could sense her dozing off in comfort, so I decided to run my fingers through Ayaka's hair to help her rest easier.

"Ehm... this is... quite unprofessional of me..." Ayaka yawned, looking up at me. She seemed nervous someone would think of her as lazy for resting.

"Don't worry, it's between you and me. Besides, nobody will think bad of you for taking a rest, Ayaka."
Ayaka seemed satisfied with my answer and lay her head back down, followed with a sigh.

"I really do wish we could do this more..." She confessed. I nodded and continued to play with her elegant, blue hair.
"Ehe, me too... but remember that I love you, that'll never change..." My face flushed pink saying the last part.

"I love you too, Y/N." Ayaka slowly got herself off of my lap, before pecking my lips with her own quite quickly. I smiled into the kiss.

"How would you feel about resting now, flower? I'm getting quite sleepy myself..." She rubbed her beautiful eyes and gazed at me. I was so drawn in by her beauty that her question caught me off guard.
"Hmm? O-Oh, yeah, anything for you!" I instantly stuttered out, making us both giggle.

We climbed into our shared bed and got  partially under the covers. Though tired, Ayaka managed to snuggle herself into my chest and I rubbed her back slowly. She hummed in approval and let her hair tie out.

"Goodnight, Y/N. I love you so much."

"Night, my princess. Love you too."

[a/n: yeah its super short sorry i run out of ideas :( anyways look at my ayaka pls?]

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