childe x zhongli x reader ♡

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"heh, what a long day!" childe chuckled, running his fingers through my hair. zhongli was getting ready to go to bed, after me and childe had already.

"mhm." i agreed, my eyes fluttering shut.
we had all been fighting different monsters all day, and some of them caused each of us to get lightly injured - mine was an aching cut on my temple.

"you okay, y/n? that mark by your forehead looks quite sore!" childe asked me. he was concerned, but wanted to lighten the mood as well.
"i'm alright, i just have a bit of a headache. i'll be okay in the morning." i admitted and yawned. childe did not seem to believe i was completely telling the truth but he nodded.

"i'm quite tired, i admit." zhongli smiled, entering the room. i was laying quietly on our shared bed as childe started talking to him.
"y/n? are you okay? you seem... unsatisfied with something." zhongli turned and tried to read my expression.

my eyes quickly opened and i nodded, pulling our duvet over my shoulders. childe and zhongli were sat either side of me.
"yeah, just tired. i promise i'm okay." i replied.

"good! i wouldn't be able to bare it, if my dearest y/n got hurt." childe pat my head lightly, causing me to stifle a laugh.
"yes, i agree." zhongli started, planting a kiss on the top of my head. "today was also quite a bother for myself."

"heh, thanks.." i grinned at them while rubbing my eyes.
zhongli got into bed next to me and lightly ran his thumb over the small cut on my temple.
as he pressed his finger on it, i moved away with instinct as it stung a little.

"ah, sorry. i did not mean to hurt you." zhongli moved his hand and placed it on my head.
childe also got in bed and wrapped his arms around my waist and placed his chin on my shoulder.

zhongli caught on to this and smiled.
"childe, you truly remind me of a cecilia." he whispered, still holding his hand on my head.
"hmm? how so, zhongli?" childe asked, looking up at him in confusion. i did the same.

he noticed our confused looks and chuckled.
"you are like a flower with a name that suits your appearance. you only bloom where harsh winds blow, and is just as intangible as the true heart of an unbound soul."

childe seemed satisfied with his answer, as a grin was growing on his face.

"and, y/n, you remind me of a qingxin." zhongli's gaze met with mine, as i tilted my head to signal him to explain.

"you have beautiful, translucent eyes that only bloom on the highest stone peaks. they eschew the warmth and moisture of the plains to gaze out afar from the solitary mountaintops."

my face went pink at his comment. i did not completely realise how much we cared for each other; until all three of us were cuddling close late at night.

before anyone could call me out for being embarrassed, i quickly placed a kiss on both of their lips and shut my eyes, trying to drift off to sleep. zhongli stroked my hair, even childe's eyes were shut too.

"goodnight, my dears." zhongli smiled at the sight of his two beloveds, fast asleep next to him.

[i loved writing this, it was based on a dream i had <3 also its my birthday on sunday, cant wait for my 2 original resin xoxo]

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