Aether x Reader ♤

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"Shhh! Taro! Y/N is sleeping!" My mother poked my younger brother as I quietly lay in the carriage to Mondstadt.
Though, Taro being childish, he kept trying to wake me up from my peaceful slumber.
"Stop..." I frowned, the carriage was rocking side to side. The driving was getting dodgy.

"M-Mom! What's... happening?!" Taro nervously clinged on to our mother. She got off the carriage and put Taro down by a tree.
"Y/N, dear! Wake up!" She yelled. Mother couldn't get herself in to the carriage.

"Taro, we need to go..."
"But... sis!"
"Come on!"

Taro and mother ran away as the carriage fell on to its side. I woke up instantly as it crashed on to the grass.
"My head... mom...!" I cried out, reaching through the tiny gap there was of a window. It was no use.

- Aether's POV -
"Traveler...!" Paimon nagged at my shoulder.

"Paimon, you've eaten already.."

"N-No, that's not it! That carriage over there, I can see a hand. Do you think someone's underneath it?!" She hid behind me as I threw my attention to the broken carriage, which was leaning over the edge off a cliff.

I sprinted over to it and looked through the gap.
"Are you okay in there?" Paimon tried her best to yank wood off of the carriage to make a hole for the person to come through. I pulled it over and completely on to the grass to be more stable.

"Mmph..." We both heard a sound of struggling, so Paimon and I worked harder to get them out.
I expected it to be an older man, but I was wrong. It was a girl, possibly around my age.

"Oh my gosh! Are you okayyy???" Paimon panicked and pulled her out of the carriage. I noticed a cut on the top of her head with blood dribbling out of it.

"Where... where.. am I?" The girl managed to splutter out. Paimon and I exchanged glances.
"Cape Oath, what happened to you...?" I asked, helping her on to her feet.

"My mother... and my brother... they're... gone?!" She started to breath very heavily. I quickly held her in my arms in comfort.

"Hmm... now that Paimon recalls, Paimon saw 2 people running away from the carriage..." Paimon looked around. The girl held on to me back and gazed at Paimon.

"Hey, what's your name?" I glanced down at her. She looked up.
"Y/N... I should be fine, I-.. I just need to find my family, they'll be around here somewhere..." She slowly moved and reached into her pockets.

"Here, take this..." Y/N took my hand and placed 20,000 mora. My face flushed, I knew Paimon's jaw must've dropped.
"Huh...? I can't accept thi-"
"Take it, for helping me. Um, I assume you do commissions a lot?"

I nodded. Y/N smiled and wiped her bloody forehead.
"Maybe give yourself a break with that mora, I can tell you're looking for something else in this world."

I felt extremely confused. How could she read us so well?
"I... gotta go to Mondstadt. Thank you again for helping me, enjoy your mora!~" As Y/N walked away, I couldn't help but watch.

"I hope we see her again."
Paimon giggled at what I said. She knew what emotions I was feeling just then.

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