Dainsleif ♡

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Dain's POV
Y/N was sound asleep.
She was holding on to me, which I found quite adorable.
I had already awoken, since I am used to not getting much sleep. But it was worth it. I would not sleep at all if it meant I got to comfort her.

She woke up shortly after I did, but neither of us got out of bed. We were too comfortable.
"Good morning, dearest. How did you sleep?" I asked, running my fingers through her fluffy hair.
It took her a moment to respond.

"Morning, Dain. I slept well, thanks..."
I adored her raspy morning voice, it was so comforting and cute. Of course, I would never say that out loud. That'd be embarrassing.

Y/N opened her eyes fully and looked up at me. My heart fluttered as we made eye contact - she was so incredibly gorgeous.
"You're so pretty..." She said out of the blue. I felt my face heat up a little.
I was supposed to be saying things like that to her, not the other way around...!

"No, you are. I am so glad to have met you..." I replied, slightly ashamed that I didn't have the courage to give her a better compliment.
Though she took it well.

I loved everything about her with all of my heart.
Like the way she smiles when she talks,
or how her eyes light up when she's passionate about something.

My heart was beating fast, but I decided to let out my feelings as best as I could.
"I love you so much, Y/N. Remember that, because I probably will not build up the courage to say it first again."
I was trying to make the last part sound like a joke, but to me it sounded more serious.

I noticed Y/N's face tinted light pink. It seemed that I did the right thing.

"You're adorable; I love you too."
I let out a comfortable sigh as she wrapped her arms around my stomach.

I kissed her head lightly and put my arm around her.
"Are you still tired? I don't mind if you want to go back to sleep." I suggested, lowering my voice so not to wake her up completely.

She nodded and moved one of her hands to play with my hair.
I had to look away to hide my smile.

"Alright. Try to get some sleep too, okay? I don't want you feeling tired later tonight. You might be sad that the day ended so quickly."

I chuckled.
"I will." I started, quietening my voice down even more. "However, I like it when the day ends. It reminds me that I can cuddle here with you until the next day starts."

"Aw, Dain..." Y/N pulled the blanket up to our shoulders. "Aren't you such a sweetheart?~"

I was suddenly hit with tiredness, and my eyes started to flutter shut.
Y/N had already basically fallen back asleep, so it was okay.

"Ah, well... sleep tight, my love..." I whispered, before falling into a slumber myself.

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