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Xiao couldn't really 'die' in a way. He would just be in an endless black space, I suppose.
But he can feel real human emotions.
Anger. Fear. Sadness.

Xiao was out saving and protecting people all the time, but he was never asked if he needed help.
It's not like it bothered him, anyway. Mortals were the last thing he wanted to interact with.

"Hey, Xiao." I climbed up to Wangshu Inn's rooftop and sat next to the quiet yaksha. He didn't turn to look, so he knew it was me.

"...Hello." Xiao replied under his breath. Though he always acted cold, something felt... wrong.

Xiao was having one of those days. You know - being extremely stressed, doubting everything about yourself, and just feeling down the whole day.

"Are you feeling okay?" I gave Xiao a smile as he turned to me, but I did not get anything back. I wasn't expecting anything, anyways.

"I'm fine. Why do you ask?" Xiao folded his arms and leaned back slightly, staring at the sky.

"You help people a lot, right? Has anyone asked you... how you are?" I leaned back as well and gazed at Liyue's comforting sunset. Its glow reflected on to our faces.


"...Oh. Well... you've been through a lot, so I just wanted to make sure you're okay." It took me a second to realize what I said. Xiao gave me a 'why-would-you-bring-that-up' look.

"Oh, erm... sorry. I didn't mean to-"

I was cut off by Xiao's sniffing. He was faced the other way, so I couldn't see what expression he was pulling.

"Xiao?" My voice got quieter as I tapped him on the shoulder.

To my surprise, Xiao had tears rolling down his face, and his eyes were puffy. My heart dropped and I subconsciously pulled him in to a hug.

"G-Go away..." Xiao tried to spit at me, but it only made him cry more.

I felt like crying as well, seeing Xiao like this hurt me a lot. Had I made him cry?

"Shhh, it's okay... why are you crying, Xiao?" I rubbed circles on his back, attempting to be comforting while the sky got darker.

"I... don't know..." He managed to mumble out to me, before resting his face on my shoulder and starting to cry his eyes out.

"Don't worry..." I put my hand on his back and decided to be quiet, letting Xiao cry out all of his stress and guilt out on to my shoulder. I could feel my shirt getting damp from Xiao's tears, though I didn't care one bit.

After several minutes, Xiao sighed and turned his face so that he was facing my neck. I noticed this and lay my head on top of his.

"Do you want to go and get some rest? Today is a stressful day for you, Xiao..." I whispered, looking up at the stars.

"Okay..." As Xiao agreed, we both got down from the rooftop and headed to my room. He sat down on my comfortable bed and looked at me, as if he were waiting for me to sit with him.

"Would you like me to make you some food?" I sat next to Xiao and gazed at him.
He shook his head.

"I want you..." Xiao rubbed his eyes and yawned.

"Me? What do you mean?" I ran my fingers through his fluffy hair.

"I don't want you to leave, please." He lay back on to the pillows and lifted the duvet, signaling me to come and lay next to him.

I agreed and got under the covers.

"Y/N, please be here when I awake. That is all I ask of you." Xiao cuddled against me and closed his eyes.

"I am always going to be here, I promise." I put my hand on Xiao's head and shut my eyes, slowly approaching a slumber.

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