Zhongli ♡

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I placed some more flowers on display and headed back inside to the small store.
"Miss Y/N?" I turned around to see one of my workers - but she was more like a friend than just a colleague to me.


"Um... well... after my shift in one hour I'm going out to dinner with a boy I've been seeing. I was wondering if I could leave five minutes early to get ready?"

I chuckled slightly at her request.
"Ah, feel free to head off now!"

Her eyes widened.
"Really...? But isn't it too early?"

"Honestly, it's no problem! I don't mind closing up for today, and we wouldn't want you running late for dinner!" I smiled.

"Thank you so much, boss!" She beamed at me and grabbed her coat before leaving the store.

On that note, I took a seat and waited for time to pass.
There were some customers to serve over the hour that passed, but not many.

Time to close up came quicker than I expected.

I placed all of the flowers indoors and locked all of the doors before leaving, about to walk back home.

My mind wandered to my boyfriend, Zhongli.
He had left for a few days to travel across Liyue with a traveler who had previously come from Mondstadt, the city of freedom.

I knew he would come back soon enough, but I couldn't help but feel the slightest bit of loneliness.

As I got back home, I opened the door and turned on the lights. No sign of Zhongli being back just yet.
I kicked off my shoes and went upstairs; work had been quite tiring.

I changed into some comfier clothes and climbed into bed.

My eyes slowly fluttered shut, and I drifted off into a slumber.
At least an hour or two had passed since I had fallen asleep - but when I woke up for a moment, I felt a strange warmth around me.

"Hello, Y/N~"

My face curled into a smile as I quickly turned over and hugged the figure next to me - who was obviously Zhongli.

He hugged me back.

"How were your travels?"

Zhongli smiled.
"Quite incredible, if I am honest. I saw some sights around Liyue that I have not seen in such a long while. It was... nostaglic."

I ran my hands through his locks, after not having the chance for quite a few days.

"And you?" Zhongli started. "How has your day been?"

"Great, actually. The flowers are really starting to bloom by the store..!" I replied passionately. Zhongli chuckled.

"Oh, is that so? I suppose I will have to come down and have a look at them. What flowers do you have on display?"

I thought for a second.
"Well... at the moment, we put up silk flowers, glaze lilies, qingxins and-"

I was cut off by Zhongli's almost silent laughing again.
"..Hmm?" I glanced at him in confusion.

"Oh, nothing, I just enjoy hearing the passion in your voice when you talk about flowers."

"Well... you would as well, if you talked about something you love!"

"Like you, for example?" Zhongli teased, making me laugh again.

"Aha, maybe so..."

I rubbed my eyes and lay my head om Zhongli's shoulder.
He planted a kiss on my head before closing his eyes.

"Goodnight, darling."


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