Can We Be Friends Pretty Girl?

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*Wesley's P.O.V*

Pulling into the crowded school parkinglot I took a deep breath. Though it was the first day of school for me, all of these kids had been taking classes for almost a full semester now.

Saying I wasn't nervous would be a lye. It wasn't like hockey practice where I had at least one thing in common with everyone else, here I felt like an outsider. The only thing putting my mind at ease was the fact that I went to school with all of my teammates.

Exiting my car I looked at the dull school building, its vibe holding the natural depressed school tone. Grabbing my school bag from the back of the car, I tried to clear my nervous thoughts and play it cool.

I walked into the building pulling out my schedule finding my locker with ease. The school didn't seem to complicated, which I was grateful for. The only part that made it truly complicated was the jam-packed hallways making it impossible to find my first hour class, entrepreneurship.

The sheet in my hand, said in was Ms. Hermins class room 123 but it felt I was walking in circles through the crowd of people searching for the room number.

School started in one minute, why weren't the hallway crowds dying down? While searching for my first hour class through the crowds of people my eyes landed on three familiar faces. Jack, Leah, and Carter stood in a semi circle against the lockers clearly having a conversation. I looked at them for a second wondering if I should even bother them with my "new-student issues". Leah stood there between Jack and Carter binders pressed again her chest which was barely covered by a black cropped tank top, her muscular legs crossed where she stood causing the jeans to press in tightness around her thighs. Her outfit compared nothing to what Carter and Jack were wearing, both dressed in basketball shorts and t-shirts.

I stopped wondering if I should bug them and began walking over to them. The bell was bound to ring any moment and the crowd still filled the hallway.

"Hey guys." I said sheepishly rubbing my hand on my neck.

Carter and Jack immediately welcomed me into their conversation, meeting me with warm smiles while opening up the sem-circle to include me.

"Hey, did you find your locker ok?" Jack asked in a brotherly tone.

"Yeah, I did thanks." I said glad he cared, I could see why he was captain. "Look I hate to be that new guy, but I can't find my first hour and I know the bell is going to ring any moment."

Carter shrugged his shoulders and and looked at the clock on the wall as if he didn't know school was about to start.

"Don't worry about time, everyones always late to their first hour anyways." Carter said reassuring me.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and looked at the two guys, great full I was getting some help.

"Don't look so stress dude, you're gonna be fine. Look what's your first hour?" Jack asked taking my schedule out of my hands.

"Uh, entrepreneurship Ms. Hermins classroom." I said recalling the schedule I memorized the night before.

"God I loved that class." Carter stated as if he was recalling a memory, "my partner did all the work and I did nothing."

"Yeah cause I was your partner idiot." Jack said shoving the schedule back in my hands.

Carter let out a small laugh and shrugged his shoulders before turning to finally leave for class as the bell rang leaving me, Jack, and Leah alone.

"Well you got the right hallway." He said with a small laugh, "Here, Leah why don't you just take him to class sense you have Ms. Hermin for entrepreneurship first hour too."

I looked over at Leah, I hadn't forgotten she was here but she had been quite, checking her phone or looking down the hallway off into space. Now she looked at Jack her face stone cold as she looked him up and down in disgust almost.

"Leah, you're going to that class anyways." Jack said trying to reason with her.

She then looked at me with the same attitude she had towards Jack. What was her problem? The last time I saw her she seemed so cheery and outgoing, now she was closed off and more than rude... she was being a bitch.

"Yeah, whatever, but not because you told me too." She finally said, the tone of her voice matching her attitude.

Jack gave her thankful eyes as he made his way up the stairs towards his first hour. Leah without saying a word began walking towards Ms. Hermins class, leaving me to follow her like a lost puppy.

Upon entering the class Leah sat in an empty chair in the back, looking around at the spots open in the classroom I saw only two chairs open, one next to Leah and one in the very front.

I hated sitting in the front, words could not describe my hatred for sitting that close to the teacher, so I put my stuff on the desk and sat next to Leah. Only to be meant with a glare  from her as I sat down.

"There's an empty chair in the front of the class." Leah stated matter-of-factly while pointing towards the seat with her pencil.

"I know but I hate sitting in the front and your the only person I know in this class." I said truthfully hoping it would convince her to let me stay.

"Not my problem. Go sit in the other seat." She said drying pulling out her notebook.

I looked at her in shock.

"I'm sorry do you have a problem with me? You don't treat Jack or Carter like this." I said.

She looked at me coldly and I stared into her soul, something about her attitude stuck a nerve deep inside me.

"I have a problem with people like you who don't do what they're told. There is a seat open in front, I suggest to take it." Venom practically dripped for her lips.

I raised my eyebrows at her, I was not about to let this bitch push me around.

"No." I stated leaning back in my chair just to enrage her.

She looked at me in shock after the word came out of my mouth, as if she'd never been told no before. I watched as she opened her mouth to retaliate but quickly shut it as the teacher began talking.

"Goodmorning class, as you all know end of the semester is coming up which means we will be starting your finals, or your business plan projects soon. And before you ask no you do not get to pick your partner I will pick it for you. Now a couple of class announcements, we do have a new student Wesley-"

"Wes is fine." I quickly stated before letting her continue, but the rest of the speech was a blur as I kept looking over at Leah who still looked stunned by me saying no but was doing a very good job of hiding it.

Leaning back further in my chair, I wondered why she was being so rude to me. I had done nothing to her, these were the first words I had ever spoken with her. What the hell did I do?

Words: 1252

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