Someone Have a Crush?

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*Leah's P.O.V*

I woke up to the sound of my alarm and got ready for school as quietly as possible. I was unaware if Wes was actually up or not, but when I walked downstairs I found him up and eating breakfast, his hair nicely brushed. He had also changed back into his sweatshirt from last night. Probably for the best sense Leo's sweatshirt had my last name and Leo's hockey number on it.

"Morning." Wes said his voice still deep from waking up.

I had to stop for a second and make sure it was actually Wes talking. Leo's voice could get deep in the morning but not that deep.

"Morning," I replied, "how long ago did you wake up?"

Wes just shrugged and looked at his phone.

"A few minutes ago." I looked at him stunned before he continued, "I'm quick at getting ready."

I let out a small laugh and shook my head before walking over to the table to pack my school bag.

"Alright. Well, just let me know when you're ready to leave for school." I said shoving a binder into my bag.

"You're not going to eat breakfast?" Wes questions pointing to his cereal.

Better not tell Leo that Wes ate his frosted flakes, he'd be pissed.

What is it with boys and their cereal?

"Nah I'll have a granola bar on the way out." I replied shrugging my shoulders.

I watched as Wes shifted around in his seat.

"You don't even want cereal?"

I shook my head. It was too early to be having this conversation.

"I don't have a death wish, and Leo would kill me if I ate his cereal." I replied.

"Toast?" Wes questions again

"No that has too many car-." I cut myself off. "Look, am I taking you to school or not?"

Wes looked at me with concern but raised his hands in defense before picking up his bowl to rinse it.

Once he was done we walked out to my car and drove off to school.


I walked down the hallway, something different about my aura with Wes walking by my side.

Coming towards my locker I noticed Carter and Jack already standing next to it waiting for me.

As I walked closer to them I passed Jack, forcefully pulling him down by his shirt collar and whispered harshly in his ear.

"You and me are having a talk later."

Jack eyes got big as I released him and he nodded his head.

I gave Carter a sweet innocent smile before turning to open my locker. Jack leaned against the lockers next to mine and looked at Wes.

"Morning Wes."


"How was your night?"

Wes paused for a moment before awnsering. I turned from my locker, binders in hand and looked at Wes. He had a small smirk on his face as he looked at me.

"Not too bad. Did you know that this girl here doesn't like hockey." Wes said pointing at me.

I smiled and rolled my eyes with a slight laugh.

"That's not what I said. I said I don't like NHL hockey."

"Same thing!" Wes said, lifting his arms up in the air.

Jack raised an eyebrow at me

"You two hung out last night?" Jack asked jumping into brotherly mode, Leo wasn't around to question it so I guess Jack had too.

Wes shrugged his shoulders and looked at me to awnser.

"None of your business." I stated just as the bell rang.

Carter, like normal left for his classroom as it rang.

"I'm gonna go to class I'll see you there." Wes said before walking to class, leaving me and Jack alone.

I smiled and nodded. Jack looked at me as Wes walked away.

"What's gotten into you?" Jack asked looking at me like I had some sort of disease.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"A couple days ago you couldn't stand Wes, hell when you yelled at him at the rinks parkinglot. You didn't even trust him, and now you're hanging out with him?"

"Why didn't you tell me he spent the night at your house?" I questioned taking control of the conversation.

Jack looked at me a bit shocked.

"So he spent the night at your house?" Jack questioned, not mad but trying to figure out what the situation was and is.

"Why didn't you tell me about his dad?" I asked not awnsering his questions.

Jacks face faltered as he looked at me. Class had already started, we were late... well later than usual.

"I didn't know it was his dad. He just showed up at my door step and needed a place to stay, I also took him to practice that night." Jack confessed

I shook my head and looked down the empty hall.

"I feel awful Jack."

Jack looked at my face trying to future me out still.

"What happened to you? You used to hate his guts. You don't let anyone in other than Leo, but now Wes seems to be the only thing on your mind. You don't change your mind that quickly I know you well enough to know that" Jack paused for a minute before a devilish smile came to his face, "unless someone's got a crush."

I snapped my head towards Jack.

"That's uncalled for." I said

"Ahhh but its right, oh your a fucking simp look at you!" Jack said bouncing around like a teenage girl.

I opened my mouth wide and looked at Jack shocked.

"How dare you make assumptions like that." My voice stern.

My face was turning bright red. Me and Wes shared are moments last night but that didn't mean I liked him now. Plus who was Jack to tell me how I felt?

"You aren't denying it.... oh Leo is gonna eat this up!"

I flipped off Jack and walked away not ready for any of his drama. Jack could go from 0-100 in seconds and this was a 99.9 moment.

I walked into class late and sat next to Wes. For the first time in a long time I didn't mention the fact that there was an open seat in the front of class. Instead I smiled at Wes as I sat down.

"Do me a favor," I whispered,"don't believe a word Jack says."

Wes raised an eyebrow at me before paying attention to the lesson.

Words: 1068

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