Finals, Period 2

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*Leah's P.O.V*

Thunderstruck by AC/DC was playing loudly over the speakers.

It was currently in between periods and we were patiently waiting for the time to pass.

"So CJ tells me that you play hockey Leah." Ella said

I snorted slightly and grabbed some chips out of the bag I was eating from.

"No, I don't play." I responded.

"According to Wes, you should." CJ said quickly, "I can't believe how bad the refs are tonight."

I just shrugged my shoulders, "I'm not, its pretty common for them not to call anything when its us against the Trojans."

CJ just nodded his head and turned his vision back to the ice. The players getting back on the bench. I looked up at the score board, praying that the game wouldn't get any uglier.

I drifted my eyes back to Leo and Wes on the bench, they were both engrossed in a conversation together Wes explaining some play to Leo using his gloved hand to motion it.

It was cute watching Wes interact with Leo like this. No matter how old Leo got he would still be my baby brother.

The ref blew the whistle causing Leo and Wes to jump over the bench and skate to their positions. Dropping the puck, the second period began.

Second period was always a gamble for us. We either looked strong or looked like crap, never playing all three periods equally.

"Pass forward, c'mon!" CJ yelled.

I stayed quite, finding it hard to yell when I'm not on the bench. I watched as the Trojans picked up the puck after we dumped it to the corner. Mark skated forward to take it, laying in his shoulder knocking the player over.

I laughed slightly, the player crumbled to the ground like a piece of bred. And Marks hits aren't even that hard.

Having taken the puck he skated up ice, passing acrossed to Jack who passed it up to Cole. Shooting the puck with a wicked slap shot the goalie blocked it with hit chest.

It wasn't a hard block, that is if you thought the play was the slap shot.

Mark who had skated up ice was now on the goalies open side, picking up the puck the taking an up close wrist shot to the left side of the net.

I'll be honest, it was a sloppy goal but it was still a goal. Leo and Wes's plus-minus wasn't too bad right now.

After a celebration from Mark, the rotation switched out except for Jack who shook his head and skated back to the face off circle. You could tell he was itching for a goal.

I watched as Randy stayed out to guard Jack, and the ref dropped the puck.

"I kind of like him, gotta respect it you know?" CJ said.

"Who? Jack?" I asked.

The whistle blew and I looked at the ice for a split second to see it was icing.

"Yeah, I mean taking the extra shift. I bet he's tired." CJ said.

"No, he just wants the goal." I said with a snort looking back at CJ.

I smirked slightly. The time over the phone and the way Wes described CJ hadn't done justice. The man was a teddy bear with a killer exterior. And Ella, I'd only seen Pictures from Wes but she was definitely prettier in person.

"Maybe he does, or maybe he doesn't." He said with a shrug, "but either way he's giving the other center a longer break and from the way he's playing he needs it." 

I watched as the shift changed and the next forward skated on. He was true the other centers looked exhausted.

"Look watch the way he skates, with his stick out." CJ continued pointing out the players on the ice.

Ella mouthed "oh here we go again" making me laugh slightly before looking at what CJ was pointing at.

"He's open for a hit, anything would knock him down. Even if your tired chest up, head up, and don't keep your stick like that."

I noted what CJ was saying as the line changed again, reaching the end of the period.

"Watch, Jack's tired but he doesn't skate likes he's tired."

I nodded and watched as the shift changed. I held my breath.

I always got nervous when Leo was on the ice, even sense I was little. When I played hockey with him it was easier because I could protect him. Then when I was forced to quite and I struggled. Now, now I had gotten used to it, it made it easier with Wes out there.

But the Trojans can play dirty. Hell they are playing dirty, and Leo unfortunately is the easiest target.

I watched as a Trojan slashed Cole, then received a harsh shove.

"What the hell ref!" Some one yelled further down on the bleachers.

"If you need glasses just say that!" Ella shouted.

CJ quickly wrapped his arms around Ella's head forcing her to shut up.

"Ella!" CJ said harshly with a smile on his face.

I laughed out loud looking at both Ella and CJ, his arms wrapped around Ella's face slowly decreased to just his hand over his mouth.

"Better watch your mouth or he's-" my sentence was cut short as I watched CJ's and Ella's eyes get big and I heard a loud smack on the boards.

The crowd got quite.

"Leo! Leo! Get back! Move!" I heard Wes's voice echo through the rink.

It all happened in a manor of seconds but by the time I whipped my head around to look at the ice my heart stopped.

A ball on the ice, and all you could read was Huxley and the number 40.

My face froze at the spot on the ice and I almost staggered off the bleacher I was standing on but CJ caught my back.

Wes was on his knees talking to Leo, and Jack was pushing people away. I missed it, I missed the entire hit. I have no idea what happened but Jack was screaming at Randy.

"Hey cool it! Cool it man it was clean! It was a clean hit!" Carter said pushing Jack back.

I hadn't even realized he had gotten out of the net.

Coach walked out of the bench towards Wes and Leo. He said something to the ref.

Leo rolled over on his own cradling his head in his helmet. Coach squatted down next to Leo and talked for a few second before helping him up. The crowd clapped, but I couldn't find myself to. As Leo was helped off the ice I went to go to him but CJ caught my arm.

"He's going to the trainers. You won't be aloud in until the examination is done. Just wait."

I nodded my head slightly. And looked at the ice, Wes was looking up at me as he was waiting by the door.

"We are taking a 5 minute time out, in regards to the latest injury and coach calling a time out." The ref announced.

(I know that doesn't really happen but pretend it does lol)

I watched as coach walked back towards the bench and waved the players over.

They talked for some time, before they started to look up at me. I felt nervous, what were they saying?

Without warning Wes aggressively jumped over the bench and put on skate guards. He began walking towards the bleachers, towards me and I began walking toward him.

Words: 1256

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