It's the Return of the State Champ

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*Wesley's P.O.V*

My body slowly woke up, feeling each limb of mine come to life again I felt the need to stretch but my arms were tightly wrapping around, well something.

I took a deep breath, my nose filling with a familiar sent. Lavender.


I opened my eyes slowly and looked at the girl in my arms, eyes still closed and her face still on my chest she looked still asleep.

I smiled slightly as she groaned and dug her face into my chest beginning to wake up. Her blonde hair falling in front of her face, she moved her leg in between mine making Inhale a sharp breath.

God this girl was gonna end me.

"If were gonna make it to the gym on time for morning session we have to leave soon." Leah said, her voice muffle as it was still stuffed in my chest.

I opened my phone and looked at it.

"You had practice at 7 on a Saturday?" I questioned.

"7-12 every Saturday morning then the afternoon session was 5:30- 10." Leah replied shaking her head.

Damn. Was all I could think, that seemed like a lot of training in one day.

"Alright, well then get up and get dressed sleepy head. We got a gym to get to."

Leah opened her blue eyes for the first time this morning and looked at me. Not for long, but long enough for me to see the emotion behind them. She was scared and excited.

"You need to change too, no way they'll let you into the gym wearing that."

I looked at Leah confused as she got out of bed and walked over to her dresser.

"What should I wear?"

"Shorts and a t-shirt, Leo has some extra clothes that would fit you in his room."

I got out of Leah's bed and walked to Leo's room. I was getting way to used to wearing Leo's clothes.

Quickly, I picked a bigger t-shirt and basketball short and threw them on. Grabbing my pants and sweatshirt I walked back to Leah's room.

Upon entering her room I stood in the door way and stared at Leah.

She sat on the floor in front of her mirror putting her hair up into a mushroom bun. She was dressed in a blue Leo that had the words "Michigan State team 2019" across red the chest and her legs were covered by her grey sweatpants.

Leah turned from the mirror and looked at me.

"You ready?" I asked trying to sound calm, to keep Leah calm as she was clearly nervous.

She just shook her head and stood up, grabbing her water bottle and crocs before we left the house.

Pulling up to the gym, Leah just stared at it. Despite the gym being lit up and clearly open their were barely any cars in the parkinglot, only enough cars to clearly be for staff and maybe a few gymnast.

Leah grabbed her bag and got out of the car with me following close behind.

We walked through the doors and I was immediately hit with the smell of sweat and chalk, a smell Leah seemed familiar with as she took a deep breath tension returning to her shoulders.

"Hey, let lose." I said pulling Leah back down to earth.

She just looked at me and shook her head before walking up to the desk.

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