Its The Goodbye Of The State Champ

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*Leah's P.O.V*

I walked onto the floor, hands still alittle numb from bars.

The familiar carpet under my feet, I felt anxious. It had been a long while sense I had tumbled, let alone done this routine.

I looked over at Wes and took a deep breath, something about him just made me feel calm and safe. Just knowing that I wasn't doing this alone.

Around me the gym got oddly quite as I took my spot on the floor. I knew that everyone was watching me.

Placed my hands in front of my face I popped my heal, before nodding to Wes letting him know I was ready. I let out one last shaky breath. And the music started.

(I'm sorry I've been in love with this floor music for ever, I know most people don't like it but I adore it. If you want to image a different floor music go ahead)

Kicking my foot out in front of me I began going through the same dance movements that had won me states the year before. The moves muscle memory from the hours I practiced the routine.

Sashaying forward into a switch leap then a 180 turn stag jump. Landing on beat with the music, I could hear Wes loudly talking to me.

"Alright Leah, looking good, let's go."

I smiled slightly as I prepared for my turning pass. Hearing Wes's words of encouragement was a change from hearing Brads yelling... a good change.

Lifting onto the balls of my feet I began running, hurdling into a round off back hand spring back layout.

Sticking the landing I let out a breath of relief, I still had it.

Placing one arm out to the left then the other to the right I continued with the same moves I was taught all thoughs years ago.

A genuine smile for the first time in years sat in my face as I danced. I never thought I would have fun when preforming this routine, my smile was always fake.

As I set up for a turn, Wes looked at me with pride. A dimpled smile planted on his face.

Turning, I lifted my leg up and grabbed it, completing a full 360 before moving to the next section of the floor.

Setting up for my next tumbling pass I noticed Brad and everyone else in the gym had stopped to watch me, and for the first time in my entire life I realized I could preform this floor routine without worried about any repercussions.

Running forward into a front hand spring straight into a front layout. Landing it with a small step forward.

"OK, Leah I see you!" Wes shouted over the music making me snort out a small laugh.

Dropping to my knees with a flare before moving into a rolling tinsica, I landed back onto my knees, then slid into my splits. I found myself adding a bit of sass into my moves.

I normally hated this section as Brad would do nothing but critique my dance moves, but today I found myself smiling and enjoying this little section in the routine.

Rolling out of my splits I stood up and moved into my second jump, a wolf jump 180 rebound straight into a dear jump. Stepping into the corner of the mat I took one final breath and ran forward into a front walkover, roundoff back handspring back tuc. Landing it in style I finished, and gave a smirk as the music began to escalate. I back rolled over my shoulder landing on my stomach. I lifted a leg and pushed out an arm, flicking my head up as the last beat of the music played.

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