
12.6K 221 19

*Wesley's P.O.V*

Looking around me I realized how drunk everyone was. Jack was even shit faced, I didn't take him to be that type of person but to each his own I guess.

I myself had barely taken a sip from my bottle, which surprised me. After that moment in the lobby I probably would have emptied this bottle already.

Looking to my right I realized Leo had barely touched his drink either.

"You gonna drink that?" I questioned, not that I wanted his drink but Leo was looking at it longingly without taking a sip.

"I would, but I've got someone to look after." He said looking over at Leah.

We were all sitting in the floor of their living room drinking, the TV on in the background playing some hockey game that was turned on a long time ago.

Leah had barely touched her bottle infront of her as well. She looked uncomfortable and distant. She had looked that way ever sense Sam had made that comment about her sleeping with her coach.

Truth was I was still curious.

"You go ahead, I have no plans of getting drunk." I said giving him a slight nudge.

"You sure?" Leo asked like an excited kid.

I couldn't blame him, at his age I would be itching to drink with upperclassmen.

"Yeah, yeah go ahead." I said setting my bottle away.

I looked over as Leo chugged his drink, before standing up to grab another one.

"So how'd everyone feel about tonight? I sure feel Hella great." Jack said some of his words slurring.

There was a mumble of agreements then it got loud as everyone started recalling moments from the game.

"Yeah but it was sure funny when Leah spit in the one guy's face." Cole said loudly.

All eyes turned towards Leah, she fiddled with her bottle glancing up at the boys.

"I don't think I've ever seen you act like that." Mark said adding to the conversation.

"Yeah Sam's comment really got you fired up." Carter said his words extremely slurred... he was "celebrating" his shut-out from the game.

Everyone starting agreeing and Leah's face got slightly red.

"Maybe because it was true." Jack's voice rang out through the group of people.

Everyone stared at him as it got dead silent.

Leah looked at him dead in the eyes.

"You're drunk" she spat out softly looking back down at her bottle.

"I want to know Leah, I'm your best friend." Jack started up again.

I watched uncomfortably, curious as to where this was gonna go.


"No Leah. I waited a year to get awnsers. I waited and defended you. You quit out of the blue and rumors started to circulate. First it was you broke your back, I know for sure that didn't happen. Then it was that you were moving gyms, you never got back into the sport. Then it was you had a medical emergency, I think I would know if my best friend was in the hospital... so that leaves me to believe that last rumor, did you sleep with Brad?"

Leah looked up at Jack shocked. She didn't move, instead she looked like a defenseless deer in headlights.

"Leah did you sleep with your coa-"

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