What is he Going Through?

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*Leah's P.O.V*

I slowly opened the door for Wes allowing him to come inside. I could visibly see his posture change from tight and cold, to more relaxed. Though his face was still red from the outdoors temperature.

"Leo and my mom aren't home, My mom had some work award and took Leo with her for the night after practice, that's why I wasn't at practice tonight." I stated.

I smiled lightly at Wes, he looked anxious.

"What about school?" Wes asked his voice rough and dry from the shouting.

I shrugged my shoulders as I walked into the living room.

"He's skipping tomorrow, I believe." I said turning around to face Wes.

I looked at his posture assessing what he needed. He was cold, very cold. He stood there shivering with his hands in his pockets.

Then something else hit me. He got home from practice not to long before the yelling had begun. He probably hasn't had dinner either.

"There is left over meatloaf in the fridge, go ahead and warm it up I'm sure you're starving." I said, "I'll grab you some warmer clothes as well."

Wes shook his head lightly and moved towards the kitchen, as I ran upstairs to Leo's room. I grabbed a pair of sweatpants that we accidentally ordered a size too big. Those should fit Wes, and a large sweatshirt from Leo's closet. Another black and red hawks hockey sweatshirt. I carefully made my way downstairs to see Wes in the kitchen staring at the microwave that was warming up his food.

"Here I brought you some clothes." I exclaimed trying not to startle him.

Wes turned around and took them greatfully.

"Do you have a bathroom?" He asked innocently

"No we change right here in the kitchen." Sarcasm dripping from my mouth with a smirk.

Then I took a double take and realized now isn't the best time to be joking, but my thoughts quickly vanished when Wes smirked back at me.

"Ok mystery girl, if you say so."

Before I could register what he said, Wes ripped off his shirt reviling his  abs. I took a sharp Inhale. God where's my inhaler when I need it?

"What, what... are you doing?" I asked my voice breathy and stunned.

Wes grabbed the sweatshirt from my hands and put it on before replying.

"You said you change in the kitchen... so that's what I'm doing."

Wed began to grab the waist band of his shorts to pull them down but I quickly stepped forward to him, grabbing his hand stopping him from pulling his shorts down.

"Don't you dare." I said staring up to him, I just now realized how close we are.

"Oh you wish I would mystery girl." Wes said looking intently into my eyes.

"I wish you'd stop stripping In my kitchen." I replied, keeping my hand on his. I gripped his hand tighter and raised my eyebrows with a smirk.

"Relax I'm not going to." Wes finally said after staring at me for a bit longer.

Behind us the microwave beeped and Wes turned around to grab his plate.

"You're obviously feeling ok if you can joke around with me." I said trying to assess Wes again.

He seemed calmer and more relaxed but something was still off.

"Actually no, I have a killer headache from the yelling. Do you have any Tylenol?"

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