Don't Mess With My Sister

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*Wesley's P.O.V*

"WES! pay attention!" Coach Mark screamed at me.

My gaze quickly shifted from Leah on the bench to the puck infornt of me.

Damn that was my second warning to pay attention and each time I was looking at Leah. Truth was I was worried.

"Dude you're staring again." Leo said next to me.

We were currently running defense drill together, and I was more than distracted. Getting barely any awnsers on why Leah was crying was still stressing me out. Seeing her like that sent me into protective mode like I used to with Ella and CJ.

"Sorry." I stated shaking my head.

"She's not your girlfriend." Leo stated with a smirk almost saying 'I know why you're staring'

"Its not like that, I'm worried about her." I stated.

Leo laughed and passed the puck to me, probably to make it look like we were doing something.

"Welcome to the club. Members include me, Jack, coach, the team, and my mom." Leo said, "oh and I'm the president."

I chuckled slightly and looked back over at Leah, then back at Leo. Man, you could really mistake them for twins if you wanted to. They both had blonde hair and blue eyes, they were around the same height, and they were jacked. So very jacked, I wonder if they work out together sometimes.

"She was crying at the gym yesterday. I got a membership and saw she was there. I went to go talk to her and her eyes were all red and puffy, and she still had tears on her cheeks." I said recalling what her face looked like when I first saw her.

I passed the puck back to Leo and looked at his face. He looked almost confused.

"She didn't tell me that she was crying. Only that you were irritating the belief out of her." Leo said.

I looked at him for a solid second, that wasn't the only thing Leah had said to Leo.

"What else did she say about me? You're easy to read Leo I know when you aren't telling the whole truth." I stated.

Leo looked at me then looked at Leah, then back at me.

"She said you intimated her, or scared her... I can't remember which one. To be honest I don't think you really scared her I think she was just more startled that you connected more dots than she wanted you too." Leo admitted in a ramble.

I looked at him amused. Him and Leah must be really close siblings if she told him all of that.

"I accused her of being a hypocrite, now looking back at the situation I probably should have said it in a nicer way." I admitted.

Leo just shrugged his shoulders.

"Sometimes aggression and yelling is the only way to get something inside her head." Leo admitted.

I looked at Leo, I think I just connected more dots.

"Is that because if gymnastics?" I asked.

Leo's while posture shifted, he turned cold. His once open and chatting demeanor was now dark and closed off, he had the look of a mad man ready to kill me.

"What makes you think its from gymnastics?" He asked looking at me with one eyebrow raised.

"She has a past with gymnastics, Jack told me that much. She gets anxiety everytime someone named 'coach' calls her. Its not that hard to connect some dots Leo, I had a friend back in Marquette who had the same issues when he had to face a kid who bullied him everyday. He would freeze up and shut down. I just want to know that she's ok Leo." I said honestly

Leo looked at me in surprise. Whether the fact that I figured out so much about Leah or the fact that I just revealed so much about my past.

"Glad to know that you care." Leo said his voice relaxed now. "Yeah its not a great time if year for her right now whether she's in or out of gymnastics. I would just give her some time."

I shook my head understanding and looked over at Leah.

"What happened to her?" I asked feeling bad.

What happened to CJ was between two teenager boys. Whatever happened to Leah happened between her and her coach, an adult. I felt sorry for her, it didn't help that she told no one about the experience.

"Not my story to tell." Leo finally said.

He passed the puck back towards me and I sighed, irritated.

"You know its not good for her to keep that story to herself. Not telling someone can really weigh a person down." I said in honesty.

My statement from my current experience. Guilt still eating at my stomach. My teammates deserved to know why I moved.

Leo raised an eyebrow at me as if saying 'you're speaking from experience'.

"Yeah, well, again its her choice. Me and mom agreed to give her all the time she needed before she told someone. I dont think our mom thought it would take her about a year now." Leo said receiving the my pass of the puck.

I hummed in response. And thought back to this morning when I saw her in the driveway shooting pucks.

"Leo, why doesn't she play hockey?" I asked, "I saw her shooting the luck this morning. She's good."

Leo shrugged his shoulders.

"She's more than good man, she's better than me on the ice. Quicker, faster, and has better stick handling skills. She used to play when she was younger but her gym forced her to quick."

I internally cringed at that. No sport should be tell a child what they can and cannot do outside of their sport.

"She's got a good shot, obviously. She just whiffs her slap shot occasionally-"

"Leo!" I said cutting him off. He was rambling again. "Why doesn't she play?"

"Oh yeah," he said sheepishly, "not sure, she just doesn't. Honestly I think she's just too scarred to do sports again."

I looked over at Leah with pity. Whatever happened to her when she was in gymnastics really fucked her up. Leo noticed me looking over at Leah with an upset expression.

"Don't sweat what you said to her in the weight room though. Sometimes it does take a comment like that for Leah to finally understand. I've learned that if asking a question and being reasonable doesn't work, then maybe try yelling at her." He said with a chuckle.

I nodded towards Leo. The kid had a strong connection with his sister and I respected that more than anything. If anything I understood it. Ella was like a sister to me back in Marquette. When I found out that Randy wanted to hurt Ella to get to CJ, something in my flipped. A brotherly switch turned on that I didn't even know I had.

The love Leo had for his sister was one I could respect, if not learn from.

Words: 1166

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