The Surgeon Sequel: The Twins - Part 24

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Once we’re all settled in the cave-like bedroom it doesn’t feel as weird as I thought it would. It’s kinda cozy.

There are four double beds in each corner and Tony has made up a small bed for Little Kelvin. An upturned wooden box, acts as a cot for baby Belinda.

The room flickers in candlelight and I feel safe and secure, sleepily spooning Kade as my parents tell tales from my homeland.

The only thing that spoils the moment is what Kade and I are sharing our bed with: a couple of assault rifles. Not the most romantic of foursomes.

But they do serve to stop us falling into a false sense of security. It’s dangerous out there – and it could be down here, too.


But I have to say, the stories from my homeland are intoxicating and I’m absorbing every one of my parent’s words – until Kade interrupts them…

 …“Was that you?” he whispers, as my father talks of home.

“Was what me?” I whisper back.

“That scratching, are you itching?”

“No. Of course I’m not – you know I’m not.”

“Then – what’s that scraping sound, can you hear it?”

When I zone my father’s voice out, I do hear a soft scraping – it’s coming from under our bed.

Kade reaches for a rifle.

My family seems undisturbed by these strange scratching sounds – which is a worry.

With the sound escalating, I feel Kade gently maneuver a rifle over me. I take it.

During a tiny lull in my father's conversation, Kade releases the safety catch on his rifle and its 'crack' and 'click' causes an immediate silence from my family.

Tony, my brother, breaks the awkward quiet, "Why have you engaged your weapon. Is it your intention to execute us – are we to become your sacrificial offerings?" He asks.

"Of course not. We're just on alert as we heard a noise," I answer.

Tony sits up in bed and sweeps his long curls away from his face. "You hear the sound of your friends sleeping. They're obviously exhausted after the ordeal of their rescue. You two must also sleep. Exhaustion is one of our many foes," he says, softly.

Tony remains seated upright and focused on us as we feel the course blanket tighten around our legs. Then I feel the indent of a weight sitting on the bed accompanied by a physical presence touching my thigh. Something or someone is on this bed with Kade and I.

"Get off, of us!" Shouts, Kade, instinctively kicking out. A thud is followed by a panting, grunt and scurry across the floor.

Baby Belinda’s wakening screams merge with Kelvin’s cries, which are drowned out by Kelly and Troy’s sudden shouts – “Who is it?” What’s going on?” They holler in unison, grabbing their rifles and leaping from the bed.

After the quiet calm of my hometown tales, it’s a rattling riot of noise down here.

Tony’s voice is (comfortingly) chilled, “Relax, It’s only CC.” He says. I hear a quiet affection in his voice, which is strange given that: Kelly, Troy, Kade and I all have our weapons pointed at him.

I feel Kade’s impatience, “Cut to the chase,” he says, with a rising voice.

Tony remains calm, “Cut to the chase. What must I comprehend from these words?” He asks.

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