A few words from Kelly

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¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

It's Kelly here, Kade's little sister.

I'm writing from our living quarters, here in Chicago.

For those of you guys reading The Lady, you'll know that Troy and I came back here with the children, whom Drew rescued by killing the topknot guy, and so freeing them all from his control.

After what were a few stressful hours, with lots of tears and tantrums, we managed to get them settled and now most of them are sleeping.

But their sleeping hasn't ended our stress. In fact, we're even more stressed, because we can't contact Kade, Tanya or Drew.

They're deep underground in The Surgeon's facility and of course, we've no way of contacting them. Plus, they've over run the time they told us they'd be down there, so you can imagine that Troy and I have got a mega sweat on.

But the same can't be said for Tony, Tanya's brother. Given his autism, he's methodically documenting possible scenarios and working out strategies of what we do, should the worse happen and they don't return.

Which is the right thing to do, but it's not what Troy and I want to contemplate – not yet.

We have to stay positive.

Worryingly, Tony's main concern is for the welfare of Drew. With his matter of fact manner, he said, "We can survive and defeat them without Tanya and Kade, but without Drew we are all doomed."

Troy and I just smiled politely and came outside. After pacing up and down for an hour, we decided to keep busy by burying topknot guy.

Burying a man is not a pleasant task; especially when rigor mortis has set in and they are as stiff as concrete, and smell like hell. I hope you guys never have to experience that task.


Right now, Troy and I are still outside. The sun is gradually fading, but our hope isn't. No, we'll keep our hope alive until we have reason to think otherwise.

Troy's taking his mind off things by playing Pokémon GO. He's tried to get me involved, but I just don't have the enthusiasm.

In fact, something occurs to me, "TROY! Stop playing Pokémon GO – NOW!"

He looks pissed, "Why? It's addictive and it kills time."

I walk over to him, "Exactly, and I'm worried it might kill something other than time," I say, pointing downwards.

Realization registers on his face, "I absolutely understand, how utterly remiss of me. It's so phenomenally popular that it makes sense that those people down there may have a hand in it." He says, furiously thumbing his phone, "DELETED!" He exclaims, with a smile.

His smile doesn't last long, "The fact is, we're completely impotent Kelly. We just don't have a way to get down there; all we can do is play the waiting game," he says.

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