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Tyler's done real good.

The two Baristas are bound tightly to chairs, their mouths stuffed with what looks like toilet tissue.

All the customers are integrated once again and are attentively listening to Tyler.

Kade interrupts, "Excuse me, what's going on here?"

Tyler turns and walks towards Kade with his outstretched hand, "It's really nice to meet you Kade, allow me introduce the real Tyler and not that douche-bag-bigot I had to pretend to be," he says, smiling.

Kade takes his hand, but it's Tyler whose hand shake is firm. In Kade's limp wrist I sense his reticence, a reserve that tells me he's still suspicious of Tyler.

Tyler points to the customers, "I've been filling the folks in on what's happening here; I'm sure you'll understand that it's a lot to take in, so I think we should give them time to digest the absurdity, but reality of The Three Surgeons Marginal Solutions Strategy," he says, his voice full of knowing and confidence.

Kade nods quietly in agreement, and in this quiet gesture I sense something else in Kade. I get that he feels a little 'put out' by Tyler, perhaps overwhelmed. And as Kade surveys the scene I see that he's actually impressed with what Tyler's achieved in such a small space of time.

Kelly rushes forward towards Tyler and hugs him, "You're such a superstar, we're so lucky to have you in our lives." She de-embraces him to let Troy shake his hand, which he does with his stiff upper lip formality, "Thank you wholeheartedly Tyler, we will repay you in kind," he says.

Tyler smiles, "You don't owe me anything; I'm just happy you guys have let me in on your knowledge and intelligence so I can help fight the good fight and resolve this situation." He turns to the customers, who are all talking amongst themselves, "Folks, can you excuse me for a while, my friends and I need to refresh ourselves after the ordeal."

I'm astounded that they all nod in agreement and then resume their conversations. Tyler obviously has excellent communication skills and incredible leadership qualities. And I know Kade is also seeing these qualities in Tyler as he remains remarkably quiet and reserved, given how gung-ho he was in the storeroom.

Kade eventually breaks his quiet, "Shall I fix us some coffee?" he asks. Tyler enthuses, "Great idea Kade, mines a one-shot espresso," he says.

Troy and Kelly order the same and I follow Kade to the preparation area, "I'll give you a hand," I say.

Once Kade and I are out of earshot I ask, "Are you okay?"

"Sure I am, why'd you ask?" he says, preparing the first of our espressos.

"You seem all silent and kinda subservient – this isn't like you."

He puts the first coffee on the counter, "Subservient, to who?" he asks, bemused.

"To Tyler."

He looks aggrieved, "I'm not subservient to him, I'm just surprised to find out he's not what I thought he was, that's all," he says, whilst preparing the second coffee."

I begin making the third, "But look at us two making the drinks like we're subordinate to them three," I say, in a whisper.

I look over my shoulder to see Tyler, Troy and Kelly speaking animatedly, like they're in some high-powered-business-meeting, "And don't you think it's odd that he's not acknowledged me since we came out – hell, he's not even made eye contact with me."

Kade looks back and observes them with me, "Maybe he's embarrassed about hitting on you," he says, before returning to coffee making duties.

I place the filled cups on a tray, "I don't think he was hitting on me."

Kade lets out a sigh, "Come on Tan, you're looking smoking hot and he's a hot blooded guy, course he was hitting on you – then he finds out you're a key player in this situation he's involved in – awkward!" He puts the final coffee on the tray, "It's like finding out you've been hitting on the bosses wife." He lifts the tray, "Come on Tan, I'm no subordinate, let's go tell Tyler whose boss round here."


"Here comes the express espressos," says Kade, laying the tray on the table. He lifts a cup and takes a sip, "Jeez, that packs a punch." Tyler takes his cup and downs the coffee in one, "That's what I needed, in fact I could do with another," he says, nodding at Kade.

Kade points to the preparation area, "Well go make it yourself Tyler, I've got business to attend to here," he says, puffing up his chest and extending his shoulders.

Tyler smiles, "I'll pass on a second, I think I need to stay here and listen to what you have to say – you know, I've a new head about all the Surgeon stuff, you guys need to use my fresh mind and thinking," he says, not hiding his arrogance.

When Kade puffs up further, I jump in, to divert this from becoming a spat, "Hi Tyler, it's nice to meet you again."

"Likewise, Tanya," he answers, but he doesn't look at me. In fact, he lowers his head.

I cut to the chase, "Do you have a problem with me Tyler, why the lack of eye contact?" I ask. He ruffles his hair, then looks up, his arrogance replaced with a shy smile, "Truth is, I'm embarrassed," he says.

Kade nudges me smugly, "Told ya."

I laugh in an attempt to make him feel better, "It doesn't matter that you were hitting on me – hey, we're all mature adults here, let's move on."

But Tyler shakes his head, "Look, I have to clear the air here and get this over with before we can move on."

Kade leans in, "Get what over with?"

"The elephant in the room," says Tyler.

Kade looks around, "I see no elephant."

Tyler shrugs, "The metaphorical elephant." He focusses on me, "You don't know who I am, do you Tanya?" he asks.

I shrug, "I know you're Tyler, but beyond that, no, I know nothing about you."

He interlocks his fingers and cracks his knuckles, "You were my first date, in high-school."

Kade shoots me a look, "You dated him and you can't remember," he says, looking pissed and slightly hurt.

I laugh, "No, you're mistaken Tyler, I've only ever dated one guy, and that's this one," I say, sitting next to Kade and putting my arm around him, supportively.

Tyler stands up, "I wasn't a guy then, you were." He sits back down and his voice lowers with respect, "I was Tina, you were Thomas – now we're both who we should be, Tyler and Tanya.

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