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When Tan looks at me, his whole face is wobbling. He is literally shaking with what I call sanger (a mix of sad and anger).

"Why would they do this?" He shakes his head as if to shake away the truth of what's happening.

I have a good idea why they've betrayed us; and it has to do with the announcement they made during their recent visit. But I don't articulate this to Kade, instead I shrug my shoulders, "I guess they're about to tell us."

Tyler continues to groan on the floor; and the customer's confusion is beginning to turn to anger when Troy's dulcet English tones fill the shop space – "My dearest Kade and Tanya, it is with the greatest sadness that I have to make this announcement. You must understand we were given what in England one calls a Hobson's Choice, which of course means we had no choice at all. The Three Surgeon's people tracked us down, held us hostage and gave us an ultimatum – our unborn baby's life or yours."

Customers begin to move forward to watch as Troy continues – "Whilst we lured yourself here Kade, under false pretences, it was merely fortuitous that Tanya happened to be here as well..."

...A disgruntled guy steps forward, "Quit the bullshit and tell us what's going on here?" he shouts.

Tyler sits up and ruffles his hair, "What the hell happened, did I have a seizure or something?" Everyone ignores him, as all eyes are fixated on Troy and Kelly standing in a reinforced Perspex pod on the chaotic street. Kelly focuses on disgruntled man, "I can assure you my husband is not talking bullshit, and it will be in all of your interests to listen to him very carefully."

Kade instinctively puts his arm around my shoulder and pulls me into him. Even though I'm still angry with him, I feel this situation has brought us back together – I always knew we were inseparable – unbreakable.

Troy's focus is now on everyone in the coffee shop as he continues – "I must ask that you respectfully comply with the orders I have been asked to relay to you all." He outstretches his hand, "You will see that that this coffee shop has been customised to create a division down the middle." Kade and I both see the tables have been arranged to create a left and right space; it's a configuration people wouldn't really notice if it's not pointed out to them.

Tyler still looks dazed, but he raises himself onto a chair and looks at Kade and I, "Ah, it's coming back to me, you two broke up," he points to Kade's arm around my shoulder, "good to see you back together again." He ruffles his hair again, "Did I have a seizure?" he repeats. And again, we ignore him and focus back on Troy.

I can see that Troy is nervous, he wipes his sweaty palms on his trousers and continues – "Can I ask all of you who are gay biological men to move to the right of the room?"

The disgruntled guy rushes forward, "Are you for real, you're actually asking people to segregate themselves?" he asks, the veins in his neck throb with rage.

Troy remains composed, calm, "Yes, please move to the right if you are a gay biological male," he asserts.

The guy shakes his head indignantly, "NO WAY!"

His shout suddenly transmutes into a searing scream as his right hand is torn off; creating a shooting torrent of blood that bounces off the ceiling and sprays the customers standing in his vicinity.

This coffee shop is now like a ghoulish, blood-soaked scene from a movie. The people with the misfortune to be appearing in it are rendered mute by the horror – even Tyler stares open mouthed at the handless man now writhing on the floor as his blood flow begins to ebb.

Kelly lowers her head from the horror as Troy continues – "I do apologise; but you must understand if that gentleman had complied to my order he would still be with his hand. You see, the powers that be have access to all your digital activity from your cell-phones and other devices. This means they will know of all your identities and sexual orientations." He points to the unfortunate guy, "This gentleman was identified as gay by the dating apps on his cell-phone; when he refused to move to the right of the room as requested, the powers that be detonated his cell which he held in his right hand." He squirms a little before continuing – "To avoid any further horrors I respectfully ask all gay men to move to the right of the room."

I watch as all the men in the room swap nervous glances. Tyler stands up and breaks the silence, "Come on fags, move to the right, we don't wanna see anymore exploding body parts!"

But it's Kade who explodes, "HAVE RESPECT DUDE, DON'T USE THE 'F' WORD!" he shouts, launching himself toward Tyler. But I pull him back and restrain him, "Leave it Kade; we need to listen and learn to assess this situation," I whisper. He looks me in the eye and nods; his body relaxing.

There's a palpable tension in the room as guys look at their cell-phones. One guy puts his cell in his pocket and moves to the right of the room. He's followed by another, and another...

...Eventually there are seven men in the right hand area of the coffee shop.

Troy waits awhile before nodding towards the guys, "Thank you gentleman."

Silence descends again as Troy continues, "Can I now ask all of you who are lesbian biological women to move to the right."

There is little hesitation this time, as three women move to the right hand side of the room.

There is a pause wherein we wait for more women to join them. And it is during this time that I see how compliant people are being. The Surgeon used fear of the unknown as a means to control people, and The Three Surgeons are doing the same now.

When Troy is satisfied there are no more lesbians in the left of the room, he takes a deep breath – and I know what's coming.

Troy sighs and lowers his head to avoid my gaze, "Can I now ask any transgender girls or guys to move to the right, please."

I immediately pull away from Kade, who swiftly pulls me back – "NO!" he shouts.

Tyler stands up, "Wait – what – I thought she was hot – is she a guy?"

I feel the rage begin to boil within Kade and there's nothing I can do but – wait for all hell to break loose...

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