Chapter 1

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I was chilling out at my own room, and the loudspeaker on the room blared.

'Ms Bloor, will you come to the front desk, please? You have a visitor.'

Visitor? I never had one.

I groaned, and put on my denim jacket, my favourite one.

I trudged down from my room, on the third floor, and arrived at the front desk.

'What took you that long?' The receptionist, Mrs Bulg asked.

'Just a little setback, now here I am, am I?'

She sighed, and told me to wait.

It's actually a long story, but my guardian left me at the orphanage, due to some problems with me, as she thought that I was a burden, a way too heavy burden. I've ended up here ever since — the orphanage. I rarely had visitors, and well, you can say that I was isolated. I didn't like to communicate, due to the fact that I had a jaw problem and a vocal cord problem. When I spoke, I was very soft, and I just couldn't speak louder, and didn't speak unless I had to. My parents died in a car crash when I was six.

I also had a problem in my ear, well, it wasn't a hearing problem, it was just an disfigured ear. It was lopsided, but just my left ear. My right ear was completely fine. My parent just left me to rot in this stupid place. And then, Mrs Bulg came back with an middle aged man, and she told me that he was my dad.

Impossible. I rolled my eyes at them.

My dad was dead. He was killed in a freak car accident.

'You're not my dad. Pray tell, who are you?'

'Your dad, Tals. Your dad.'

'He died in a car crash. I saw that happen.'

He frowned.

Definitely not my dad. In my memory, when dad frowned, he looked like a potato.

'You're not my dad. Who are you?'

'Taliana, it's normal. Denial is the first phase when you see your parents.'

'Have I told you? This is not my parent. When my father frowned, he looked like a potato!'

Mrs Bulg frowned at me.

'Manners, Bloor.'

'How can I be polite if someone is here to kidnap me, or possibly kill me?'

'He has requested to leave with you. He's reclaiming you.'


I sulked. Then, I knew that he wasn't a parent, or a relative. I just knew it. There was this gut instinct.

'Fine. Have it your way then.' I just followed him out of the orphanage, not taking anything with me.

He showed me to the back door of the orphanage, and he shoved me into a limousine, well, at least tried to.

I kicked him on the crotch, knowing that a man's weak spot was that, so I did that.

He made an oomph, and fell to the ground, with a thud. Ouch. That must've hurt.

He managed to pull out a whistle, and he blew on it. At first, I thought that it had failed, but it was a silenced whistle.

Three bodyguards, bulky and surly, walked out from the limousine. Sweet, another three. I just didn't know if I had the courage or not.

I felt a surge of emotions in me, fury taking up most of it. I just punched and kicked, and punched and kicked. And  I just managed to take them down, weird. I never had martial arts training. Or any training on these areas. It must've been my instincts kicking in. And most of all, I did that without breaking a sweat.

I walked, calmly to the orphanage, back in from the back door. Mrs Bulg was there, watching me, and planning to watch me leave, another burden from her shoulders.

And she looked shocked as I strolled back in, surprised that me, the freak had a split personality.

'Taliana, remind me never to piss you off.'

I nodded, and silently climbed the stairs, going back to my dorm.

Oh. They were in for a shock tomorrow. Mrs Bulg just couldn't see through the murky glass of the back door. Wait till they throw the trash.

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