Chapter 16

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'Maybe. Any more suggestions?' Hetty asked.

'A furious relative.' Deeks said, I nearly couldn't hold my chuckles in.

'Like who?'

'An angry ex-girlfriend. And those that has Kensi's skills.'

'Ok...' Hetty frowned. 'That works too.'

Kensi just got a call.

'Hello?' 'Ok. I'll tell them.'

'What was that?'

'Autopsy report. Pufferfish poison.'

'How can one get pufferfish poison?'

'On the black market.'

'Black market, huh?' Callen said, thinking hard.


'How do you know?' I asked him.

'I have been undercover in the black market about a month. Saw someone with a great deal of pufferfish poison to sell. And it's not too expensive, either.'

'Mr Callen, can you too back into your cover?'

'I'll try. I've locked it in. And I'll release him out.'

'Thank you.' I said. 'It means a lot to me. You guys helping me out, I'll never repay that.'

'Just do your rehab and you'll be fine.'

'It's too small of a favour to ask.'

'Just do what I order you to. And just let the nurse touch you. The last time I didn't let them do it, they do fight back sometimes. They gave me morphine and knocked me out.'


'Hey, kid. We have a cure.' The nurse walked in. 'Good. You've started your lunch.'

'I'm almost done. Just the orange left.'

'Huh. Leave it alone. You can have it later.'

'Ok. How is it going to get into me? Drip or mouth injected?'

'Sorry to say that, but it's going to be from a drip.' Ah... I hate drips.


'Here. You're not going anywhere.'

Three people in Haz-Mat suits walked in, wheeling something behind them. The drip materials. Ah.

'This might hurt. I'm not kidding.' Kensi said.

'You've tried that before?' I asked her back in comms.

'Well, yes. Once.'

'Who are you talking to?' The nurse asked.

'Oh, me? Them.'

'Them? You don't have a phone.'

'But I'm a magician.'

'Ok. Good.' She gave me an eerie look.

'Here it goes.' The nurse jabbed the needle into my artery. Oh. Shoot. It did hurt. The other people right outside of the room winced. I guess that they also did know what I feel.

'Did that really hurt?' Deeks asked. 'I've never gotten a drip before.'

'The hell it doesn't.' I heard Kensi say, frowning and giving Deeks a very horrible look.

'Got it, Tiger.'

'We'll have you on this drip for about three hours. And continue tomorrow.'

'You mean, that we have to do this everyday?'

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