Chapter 12

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Director Vance said. 'Ellie has ties to the NSA, and Ziva has the support of Mossad.'

'So, what have you got?' Nell asked.

'Since, you know, one of the first cases had occurred here, so we, uh, actually Abby and Ducky did an analysis of the virus or the bacterium, well, maybe microorganism to be exact, as we don't know what it is, and the patient, Don Smith, wasn't reacting to any of the meds that we gave him. Maybe it's a complicated strain of an old virus or disease, and I'm hoping that it's not something like the rat plague or the Spanish Influenza or the Black Death.'

'All right. When will you come here? The place is crammed.' Eric asked.

'Uh... if it's cramped, we'll rent a hotel. I'll give you the address once we have it.' Director Vance said.

'All right, director. See you soon!'

'Bye and thanks for the permission for us to help.'

'You're welcome. Thank you, director.'

Then the line went dead.

'At least we can still have some personal space...' Deeks said.

There was a large commotion downstairs.

'By golly, I have to go! See what's happening downstairs.' We said in unison, and left ops together.

It turns out, the commotion wasn't something big. It wasn't an alien invasion or anything, just the unexpected return of one of our own. Kensi.

'Get off me! I work here!' Apparently, someone thought that Kens was an intruder, but not a worker.

'Get off her!' Deeks yelled. Just like an overprotective mama bear over her Cubs.

'Who is she?' The officer who had grabbed Kens' shirt sleeve demanded.

'She's an officer, and that:s none of your business, you Cheating Incompetent Animal!'

Well. The agent was CIA. And Deeks just gave them another name. Make sure that I learn that.

'Yes... sir... sorry.' The agent apologised and let go of Kens. She was still staggering.

'Can you help me pick those up please?' She asked me, not anyone else.

'Sure...' I crouched and picked up the long and stick-like dark object on the ground. It was a stick. A walking stick.

'How are you?' Sam asked, dismissing the existence of the stick.

'I'm fine. No field duty. Doc cleared me.'

'As if you ever listen to him.' Deeks muttered. Kens gave him a death glare.

'I do listen sometimes, unlike you, you dork.'

'Touché.' Deeks admitted.

'In your face.' Kens rebutted.

'All right. Quit the bickering and go to business. Eric?' Nell prompted.

'All right. This mystery disease. I've named it Mysterio. Mysterio is a diseases which the patient might show signs of measles, the usual fever, cough diarrhoea and etc etc. So far, only 14 have been affected, but it's gonna be like the COVID-19. It's gonna spread, and fast.'

'Can I ask something?' Kens asked.


'How about the agent, Bob Hayes?'


'The person that we set out to find a couple'a days ago.'

'I'll deal with that later. I'll see if anyone is available. Hetty said that controlling and terminating the disease is the most crucial thing right now.'

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