Chapter 14

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'What did she do?' I asked Hetty.

'Oh. She either sprayed overwatch spray over her clothes or placed a tracker. I think before the Haz-Mat suit was on her. She would have to dump it if she left this compound, as I know that she won't want to be a penguin waddling around.

'Tracker. Activate Tracker A-351.' Kens ordered me.

'On it.' I took out my tablet, typed the number on it, and activated the tracker.

The tracker was only less than a block away, but moving quite quickly.

'It's moving. Fast.'

'Yes. I know, Ms Bloor.' Of course she does.

'Probably on transport. Check the bus stations. The Ubers if you have to.'

'On it. Wait. The tracker's movement stopped. Probably a stop.'

'Ok. Dig up all the bus which had just stopped. We'll go and check it out.'

'Got it. Here.' I showed her my tablet.

'Ok. Not too far away. We'll be there at about five minutes.'

'Not quick enough. Catch her at the next stop. She'll be there. As the bus stopped with the tracker, and moved just now.'

'What are the chances that she realises that we put a tracker on her and plucks it off and adheres it on her seat, or any seat?' I asked them.

'There is this possibility. But it's slim. The tracker is a chameleon. It changes colour with the surroundings. In this case, clothes.' Kens explained.

'How did you know?' Hetty asked her.

'I bought them. From my own capital.'

'What? Wow.'

'Now go. The bus will arrive at about eight minutes. See if you can reach it. And ignore the speed limit. I have a friend at the Transportation Department. I'll smooth it out. Bring Ziva. Let her drive. According to Gibbs, her driving skills suit our needs.'

'Ziva! You're coming! And driving. Do your best.' She shouted afterwards.

'Really? I'm not letting her lay a finger on my Audi.'

'Fine. Take the office car.'

'Ziva, Cmon, this is the car. Impress me.'

We got into the car, with Estelle grumbling and whining.

'Why her?'

'Hetty said so.' Kens rebutted. That shut her up. She would never disobey a direct order.

And it turns out that she was right. 'Why her' was an understatement. 'Over my dead body' was more appropriate.

I hopped in shotgun as no one volunteered. Ziva revved the engine and stomped on the gas pedal so hard that I could've sworn that the other half of the world would feel the hit. The tires screeched the whole time. And I read the speedometer. There was never a millisecond when the KM/H dropped below 90.

The other users of the road were raging. Classic cases of road rage. They honked and yelled at us whenever they had the chance.

I was closing to becoming green when the car finally stopped. And according to my precise biological clock, we had stopped at the five minute mark. I figured that it was about this time, since she swivelled and nearly killed us all. God bless us.

And including the time that we had wasted while chatting with Hetty at the office, we still had two minutes to spare.

'Two minutes. Ugh. Excuse me. I need to throw up.' Estelle exclaimed. She was really looking green.

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