Chapter 10

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The next thing I knew, I was in a hospital, connected to several systems by some cords and needles, and there was a morphine supplier.

There was a button right next to me, with the words of 'nurse.'

I pressed it, and someone, presumably a nurse walked into the room.

'Oh. Ms Bloor you're awake. How are you feeling?'

'I'm fine. How about Kens. The other one that you picked up with me.'

'Uh... she's still on death's door.'

'Will she be all right?'

'I'm not so sure. She may need a couple of months to fully recover. Three stabs to her, two on the abdomen, right on the abdominal artery and the aorta. It's a miracle that she survives.'


'Yes. You're lucky. You couldn't have survived without the surgery. This is what the morphine's for.'

'Wait. How was I when I was on the way here? And where am I?'

'Ah. Not too good. You're face was completely chalk white, like you were running out of oxygen. And not to mention with multiple stab wounds. Of course, you knew about that one in your side.'

'What else was there? I was helping to defend my friend. Tell me.'

'Ok. A kid, huh. All right. There were three in total excluding the one in your side. Tow on your right leg and one on the shoulder.'

'How about her? When can I see her?'

'In surgery. I'll tell you when she's done.'

'Thanks, nurse...'

'Oh. Call me Theodori.'

'Thank you, nurse Theodori.'

'Make sure you get some rest, little Jedi.'

'All right, Yoda.' I knew Star Wars stuff. I practically invented it!

Then I returned to trying to sleep, not before one last request.

'Nurse Theodori, can you bring me books? I am bored to death in here.'

'All right. What do you want?'

'Uh... whatever you have. It's fine. I'm an advanced reader. I may need it in case I can't sleep.'

'Ok. I'll see what I can do.'

I laid down on the bed, and attempted to sleep. I did. But not without having dreams. Horrid and scary ones.

I entered the LA office building, and it was chaos. War was breaking out in every single corner, no matter friend versus friend or friend versus enemies. There was bloodshed, and the floor was completely smothered by blood. I saw Hetty, and the main team of the LA office fighting someone, and I couldn't see his face. The person was heavily armed though. With automatic, semiautomatic, guns, and magazines of ammo that I've never seen before in my life. One by one, the people fell.

Sam... Callen... Deeks... Kens, with a smile on her face... Eric... Nell... Hetty... everyone I knew was dead.

And surprise surprise! I was the only one alive in the whole building. Not a single mouse, cockroach or living thing has been spared. Except for me.

The blood spatters were completely on the walls, smothered across the ground, and bodies, not to mention that, were all lying on the ground. All bloody. Then someone in an large overcoat with a huge baseball cap which covered his face walked towards me, and did the unexpected. He put his knife in his pocket after cleaning the blood off it.

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