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The car sped down an empty road, away from Bobby and Castiel. It was a quiet drive. Dean struggled with his anger, grief, and disappointment. He wasn't disappointed in his brother, but himself. Growing up, his one job was to protect Sam. Combat bullies. teach him right from wrong, and make sure he stayed safe. And now, his brother was possessed by one of the strongest beings and there was no way for him to stop it.

The Impala swerved off the road and came to a stop.

Dean hit the steering wheel, wrapping his fingers around it, and resting his head against his hands. And for the first time in years, Eden saw Dean sob. "Dean..." She whispered, putting her arm around him and pulling him closer. He rested his head on her shoulder and together, they mourned.

It wasn't long until Dean was back on his feet. After an argument with Bobby and Castiel, he and Eden called Chuck for information on where the fight between Michael and Lucifer would happen. After receiving the location, the two set out to find him.

"You know we might not come out alive, right?" Dean murmured, looking at Eden as she grabbed a tape.

"Yes, Dean. That's why we're gonna go down swinging to Def Leppard." She answered. She slipped the tape in and turned the volume up. She placed the box of tapes on the backseat and tied her hair back, then lowered her window.

Dean admired her bravery. Her willingness. She was sticking beside him, no matter what. That was more than he could ask for. He lowered his window as well and pulled into the cemetery.

They parked and jumped out, facing a blonde-haired boy and Sam. The blonde was the vessel of Sam and Dean's half-brother, Adam. He was about Dean's height and had short hair, along with blue eyes. His face was engraved with a solemn stare. Sam's face was foreign. Though it looked like the youngest Winchester, his facial expressions were different.

It scared Eden. It rattled her. But she stayed strong for the sake of her friends.

"Howdy, boys. Sorry. Am I interrupting something?" Dean questioned, stepping out of the Impala. Eden walked out and sat on top of the hood, crossing her legs over one another. She raised her hand, waved at Michael, and swung him into a tree.

"We need five minutes, Sweet Stuff." She negotiated. Michael began fighting against her force as Castiel appeared beside her, a grenade in his hand.

"Hey, ass-butt!" The angel yelled, throwing the weapon at the archangel. Michael went down in flames, a temporary solution to their problems. "He'll be back - and upset - but you got your five minutes. You need to give Michael everything you have, Eden. Are you alright with that?" Castiel asked. She nodded.

"Castiel. Did you just Molotov my brother with holy fire?" Lucifer interrupted. "No one dicks with Michael but me."

He snapped his fingers, making Castiel explode. Blood splattered onto the Impala and the side of Eden's body. Her heart sank to her chest as she stared at the shoes that were left behind. Part of her wanted to kill Lucifer right then and there, but she knew she couldn't do that without wounding Sam.

"You know... I tried to be nice for Sammy's sake. But you two... are such a pain... in my ass." The man grunted, spinning around quickly. Bobby had shot him in the back. With a snap of his fingers, he had broken Bobby's neck. Eden cupped her hand over her mouth, then noticed Lucifer snap his fingers once again.

And just like that, Eden was out of sight.

"NO!" Dean screamed. His breath was caught in his throat. In a span of a minute, he had watched three of his loved ones die. Now, he was next.

"Yes." Lucifer grinned. He slammed Dean into the Impala and punched him across the jaw. He spit out blood quickly and looked up at his brother.

"Sammy? Are you in there?" Dean questioned.

"Oh, he's in here, all right." Lucifer snarled. He threw a punch. "And he's gonna feel the snap of your bones." He continued, dragging Dean to the ground. "Every single one. We're gonna take our time."

Lucifer paused, staring into the window of the Impala. He looked up and saw Eden, who had reappeared with glowing eyes.

A vulnerability began gleaming in the eyes of Sam Winchester. "It's me, Eden," Sam stated, letting go of Dean. He threw the rings from the Horsemen onto the ground and looked at Dean and Eden. "It'll be okay." He assured.

Michael took his place and Sam latched onto him, jumping into the pit that led to Hell. Dean closed his eyes and leaned back, his face scorching hot and swollen.

"I'll take care of him." A man said, approaching the duo. Eden wrapped her arms around Castiel. "Thank God you're okay." She muttered, letting go. She walked over to Bobby and placed two fingers on his forehead.

"Focus," Castiel advised the girl, lifting (a newly healed) Dean onto his feet.

She watched as Bobby's eyes jolted open and he sat up, hugging her tightly. Dean picked up the rings and walked to the Impala. "Take care of him, you hear me?" Bobby grunted, standing up. "Of course, Bobby," Eden replied.


But it was a promise she couldn't keep.

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