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One year.

It was one year since Sam's sacrifice. Dean and Eden separated to do their own things. Dean went to Lisa and lived a normal life, while Eden  tried her best to move on. She went back to Bobby a month after the Cemetary, drunk and crying. She had downed enough alcohol to get an abomination drunk.

The girl found that she was no longer as independent as she used to be. She needed to have contact with someone who could provide her with acceptance and love, but could no longer turn to the Winchesters. Sam's situation was obvious, but Eden never saw Dean because he was leaving everything supernatural behind him.

She decided to try. Three months in, she got a regular human job at a regular human bar and did regular human work. She got back home and did regular human chores and took car of her regular human pef.

Six months in and Eden moved out. She got a house, fixed it up, decorated it with her favorite pictures, and made it her own. She was a bar tender in the morning and a world-saver at night.

She didn't entirely give up hunting like Sam asked. She knew if he was still here, he and Dean would be hunting and more people would still be alive. So, Eden did jobs for them.

It was her way of keeping a part of him with her.

Much to everyone else's dismay, Dean didn't give up either. He never worked jobs, but he notified Bobby and other hunters if he saw something. When he noticed something close to home, Dean went after it. Hiding it behind Lisa's back, he went out to their garage and began scouring through his old equipment. Dean was soon knocked out and taken to a warehouse.

That night, Eden recieved a phone call from Dean. Within the first ring, she answered it. "Dean, are you okay? What happened? Is everything alright?"

"Eden, you need to zap your ass over here. I'm in a, uh, warehouse somewhere around my neighborhood. There's some spooky shit happening."

She was there in seconds. Her eyes met Dean's and she ran into his arms. "Are you okay?" She questioned. Dean looked over her shoulder and she turned around.

He was still just as tall, muscular, and wore a grin. His hair was a little longer, but it suited him. Sam, with a slice in his arm and salt water dripping down his chin, put his hands together awkwardly. "Hey, Dee."

Eden's eyes watered and hope took over her body. "Is it---?" She questioned, looking back at Dean.

"As far as I can tell," He answered. Eden ran over to the boy. She wrapped her arms around him, not expecting him to hug her back, but his arms still engulfed her closer to him. He rested his head on hers, slightly glad to see she hadn't completely moved on from him.

Eden lifted her head and pulled back, just enough to see his face. She put her hands on each side of his head and stared at his blue-ish green eyes. "How are you here?" She whispered.

"I don't know. I honestly have no idea." He stated. Sam didn't want to let go of her. His arms remained crossed behind the small of her back, keeping her close to his chest. "I've been calling Cas. He hasn't answered my prayers. I don't even know where he is. I mean, I was... down there, and then, next minute, it's raining, and I'm lying in a field, alone. I've been looking for whatever saved me, but its kind of hard when you got no leads. But believe me, I looked for weeks." Sam explained. He looked up at Dean.

"Wait, weeks? How long you been back?" Eden asked, pulling out of his grasp and stepping back.

"How long you been back, Sam?" Dean repeated, standing up from the chair he was sitting in.

"...About a year."

Eden and Dean looked at one another.

"Guys," Sam began.

"You've been back practically this whole time?" Dean scowled. "What, did you lose the ability to send a friggin' text message?!"

"You finally had what you wanted, Dean! You had Lisa, a house, Ben, a job... You had a normal life!" Sam defended.

"I wanted my brother alive!" Dean shouted.

"You wanted a family. You have for a long time, maybe the whole time." Sam stated. "I know you. You only gave it up because of the way we lived, but you had something, and you were building something. Had I shown up, Dean, you would have just run off." He said. "I'm sorry. But it felt like after everything, you deserve some regular life."

"And what about Eden, huh? You just forgot about her?" Dean questioned. Eden looked up from the floor. Her eyes met Sam's, full of hurt. He didn't answer, which hurt more than how it would if he did.

"What have you been doing this entire time, Sam?" Dean asked.

"Hunting," Sam murmured.

"You left us alone and you flew solo?" Dean scoffed.

"Not solo. I've been working with some other people. They're like family. And they're here." Sam said, leaving the room.

"They're like family? What about us?" Dean said, looking at Eden. She wrapped her arms around him. "It's good to see you, Runt."

She let go and they joined Sam in the other room. Confronted by a girl first, the room was full of people. They were sharpening knives, filling bullets, or de-greasing their rifles.

"Eden, Dean--- This is Gwen Campbell." Sam grinned.

"Good to finally meet you. Sam's gone on and on about you two." Gwen said, shaking Dean's hand. Eden stared at her skeptically, but shook her hand as well. "You're even prettier in person," Gwen nodded.

"Campbell? As in Mom?" Dean asked, looking at his brother.

"Yeah... Uh, this is Christian..." Sam pointed at a man with short brown hair with white strands blotched on the top of his head. Eden wasn't going to say anything, but she didn't like him already. "...and Mark." Sam continued. Mark was blonde, younger, and had stern dark eyes. "Gwen and Christian are our third cousins and Mark is something, something twice removed. They grew up in the life, like Mom and like us."

"I thought all of Mom's relatives were gone. And I'm sorry, but why didn't we know about any of you?" Dean questioned. A man stepped out from another room. Eden was nearly blinded by his bald head.

"Cause they didn't know about you. Not until I brought you all together." He stated.


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