Chapter 10

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As I started to pick up my supplies, i saw my teacher pressing play on a pre-recorded message on the steps on how to master shading. Now i wanted to be done by 4:30, so i could squeeze in a little nap before patrolling and testing out my newly developed powers, so i started straight away.

As i started i could feel, everyone's eyes glancing at me every few seconds, and to say that it was annoying was an understatement. But i didnt mind, because as soon as I've finished these lessons i won't have to worry about classes as i would have grades that would allow me to leave and wait for college admissions, but i wasnt telling anybody about that as I wanted to keep it as a surprise.

I was about 15 minutes into my work, with the teachers always staring at me, when i realised that mine looked crap! I didnt even looked like the example. So i did the only thing someone would do in this situation, which was to discreetly check if no one was looking at me and sneak on my phone. I then got my AirPods out, and discreetly put them under the ones my teacher gave me, because I understand secrets and how things need to be confidential mainly because of my time as the menace.

It was about 15 minutes later and i was scrolling endlessly through tik tok not really paying attention to my surroundings, just my phone and the time, hoping the session will be over soon. This is the worst thing I've ever done, the pencil just wont do what i want it to! But anyway, i was scrolling, when suddenly my phone was yanked out of my hand. So i did the only thing i could, i removed my 2 headphones, stood up from my chair and shouted "WHAT THE HELL? GIVE ME MY PHONE BACK!" at the person who took it, and of course it was the P.E. teacher! All the teachers looked shocked that i shouted at her, as if they were expecting her to do something, and she tried! She didn't respond to my scream, but gave me an angry glance, and tried to push me back into my seat. So, I sidestepped and kicked her in the back, so she fell onto the chair. And let's just say, that wasnt smart at all! Because as i was still angry at her trying to get my phone back from her, the History teacher came up behind me and grabbed me. He held my arms and kept me trapped in that position, and I couldn't move! How strong is this guy!?

As i was struggling against his grip, the P.E went into her bag, and brought out rope! ROPE! What, is she going to kill me!? This made me struggle even more but it was to no avail. It was at this time i realised that if i got angrier, something would undoubtedly happen, so i jusT stopped resisting, chilled out and thought. I realised that no teacher could kill a student, and even if they did, are you telling me, that no cameras would see them dispose of the body!?

As the P.E. teacher came closer, Mr Sorreg, sat me back down in my chair and held me there, whilst she tied my ankles, legs, waist and upper waist to the chair with my hands free, and tied the chair to the metel pole to the table. It was obvious that even with the strength i have from being the menace, i wasnt going to break metal, so i tried as best as i could to ask 'calmly' what she was doing. "What the hell is this, i don't think teachers are allowed to do this, or take personal property!"
And annoyingly she just replied with "teachers are allowed to take extreme measures such as this to restrain children from leaving until their lesson is over and take any property that may be distracting". And the worst thing was that she was correct, as i read the school code, i was really hoping that she didnt know it "fine, so what time can i leave" i ask. She looks at my art teacher and have a silent conversation until she replies again "well i think at 5pm you may leave or until you finish, considering how much time you wasted from your art teachers day, but if you don't do the work i guess i could supervise you for another hour until you finish" i was about to scream at her about how unethical that was, but i just stayed silent and stared her down. I could tell that the other teachers seemed scared of her, and i wanted to prove that she wasn't. But she replied anyway "i guess we'll just have to wait and see if you finish then" so i replied nastily with "No way in hell am I staying here with you" but she ignored me and started talking about something else with the teachers looked as if they had just been killed

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