(Episode 4) Chapter 17

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"Let's check all the places that have any connection to the victim." Jaesuk instructed. Everyone decided to break out into small groups.

Group 1: Jaesuk & Minyoung - School Grounds

Group 2: Kwangsoo & Sunmi - School Grounds

Group 3: Jaewook & Jongmin - Yoonha's Classroom

Group 4: Sehun & Sejeong - Yoonha's Dance Club

"Everything feels so spooky today, including the weather." Jaesuk started saying. He was talking to Minyoung, Kwangsoo and Sunmi who were walking with him.

"I'm certain that those boys know something. I bet they gathered after getting those messages because they have something to discuss. I think they had something to discuss regarding the case." Jaesuk shared his thoughts.

"You know what I found weird, Oppa? The fact that Gong Myung arrived here 3 days after she died and still got the text messages." Sunmi shared back.

"That's right! Why didn't I realize that. Why didn't you ask about it earlier?" Jaesuk asked her.

"He looked like he was hiding something and I didn't want him to know I was suspicious of him." Sunmi informed and Jaesuk understood her reasoning. Soon they reached a floor with students around.

"Hello. By any chance, do you know Yoonha?" Jaesuk asked two girls.

"We weren't close, but I do know her." One of the girls answered and Jaesuk and Minyoung walked towards them to get more information. Kwangsoo and Sunmi decided to stay by the ramp.

"Guys, do you know Yoonha by any chance?" Kwangsoo asked a group of guys passing by.

"Ji Yoonha." One of the guys answered with starstruck eyes.

"Yes." Sunmi said with a kind smile.

"She's very pretty." Another boy said.

"I used to go to the Sweetness Storage every day to see her." The first boy admitted.

"Me too." The other two boys agreed.

"Where did you go?" Kwangsoo asked them.

"Sweetness Storage." The first boy said.

"Sweetness Storage?" Kwangsoo clarified.

"It's a snack place. All the rumors that go around our school start there." The first boy explained.

"At Sweetness Storage?" Kwangsoo asked.

"You can find out what you're looking for there." The boys informed the two detectives.

"I can find out what I'm looking for at Sweetness Storage." Kwangsoo repeated.

"Then, that too?" The third student spoke up.

"What?" Sunmi and Kwangsoo asked them.

"About Seo Kangjoon?" The second student said.

"A rumor about Seo Kangjoon?" Sunmi asked.

"Oh, it's nothing." The first boy denied.

"What is it? What about him?" Kwangsoo tried to convince them give-up the information.

"We have to go to cram school." The third boy let his friends know.

"We have to go." The three students stated.

"What about Seo Kangjoon?" Kwangsoo asked them.

"We don't know anything either." The three boys said.

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