(Episode 10) Chapter 48

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-- December 06, 2017, 08:00 PM --

-- C's Secret Lab, Magok-dong, Gangseo-gu, Seoul --

Luckily, it wasn't that long of a drive and they arrived within a few minutes.

"This must be it. What is this place for?" Jaesuk said as they drove through a deserted road. There weren't that many buildings around but they saw a storage container that seemed like it was converted into an office. Jaesuk parked the car and they all got out.

"I have a bad feeling about this." Jongmin repeated his thoughts from earlier.

"Hold on." Jaesuk said as he looked around.

"What is this place?" Sehun asked as he pulled Sunmi closer to his side.

"Is C here?" Jaesuk asked as well.

"I think so." Sunmi answered him.

"This must be it." Sehun pointed to the lone storage container office in the middle of the field.

"I think this is the place." Jaesuk agreed with him.

"It's a storage container." Kwangsoo pointed out.

"Someone must've been here." Jongmin added. Suddenly, the door to the storage container opened abruptly and revealed C.

"No way." Kwangsoo whispered.

"He's alive." Jongmin stated.

"He's still alive." Jaesuk repeated.

"You died that day." Jaesuk told C.

"I'm surprised to see you here. You came even though you were well aware that you will die." C informed them.

"What?" Jaesuk asked him.

"Guys! Get them!" C called out loud.

"What's going on?" The detectives asked as people in suits came out of nowhere.

"Go ahead." C told them.

"What's going on?" Jaesuk asked.

"Search them!" C commanded.

"What's happening?" Kwangsoo asked as the men grabbed them and dragged them somewhere.

"What's going on?"

"What are you doing?" The detectives kept asking.

"Search them." C commanded again.

"They are trying to take my bag." Kwangsoo let the others know. Sunmi, who stood behind Kwangsoo, felt that they were looking for the chip. She kicked the one who was trying to pull away Kwangsoo's bag.

"I'm sorry. But you can't take that." She called out as even more people tried to hold her down.

"Don't let them take it." Jaesuk told Kwangsoo. Sunmi kept trying to kick the people coming for Kwangsoo's bag away but there were too many of them.

"Hold Subject 1 down." C ordered and more people overpowered her.

"What do I do? No, you can't take my bag. Hold on." Kwangsoo couldn't do anything more as they took his bag.

"They took it." Kwangsoo whispered to the group.

"They took it?" Jaewook asked him.

"Yes." Kwangsoo confirmed.

"How could you let them take it?" Jaesuk asked him.

"Jaesuk, they're part of the project, too." Jongmin pointed out after a few moments.

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