(Episode 7) Chapter 35

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"Be careful." Jaewook reminded everyone.

"It's this one." Jaesuk and Jaewook pointed to the panel beside the open one on the left of the stage.

"How does it work? Can someone get through it?" Sehun asked.

"Does it open from underneath?" Jaewook questioned as well.

"Do we need to take it out?" Kwangsoo wondered.

"It can be accessed from here." Jaewook pointed at the open tunnel.

"The one next to it? That doesn't make sense." Kwangsoo told him.

"It's blocked." Jongmin peeked at the hole.

"Yes, it's blocked." Jaesuk bent down and tapped on the side to confirm. Sehun climbed into the hole.

"Do you see one?" Jaesuk asked him.

"No, hyung." Sehun replied. Jaesuk went towards the back of the stage and entered from there.

"Sehun-ah, are you sure?" He asked as he crawled in.

"Yes." They were both knocking along the side of the tunnel now.

"You need to click the switch." Kwangsoo suggested.

"What?" Sehun asked.

"Click the switch. Like this..." Kwangsoo bent down the hole to demonstrate something but accidentally hit Minyoung in the head with one of the cameras on his backpack.

"Gosh, I'm sorry. Are you okay?" He immediately apologized to her.

"Get out of her way." Jaewook scolded him.

"I'm really sorry. Please keep talking." Kwangsoo told Minyoung.

"No wonder we keep scolding you." Jaewook continued to say.

"I'm sorry." Kwangsoo apologized again.

"I'm good." Minyoung told him.

"Hold on." Jaesuk came back up the stage.

"Is it not there?" Jaewook asked.

"There's no entrance at the sides." Jaesuk replied.

"If we look according to the plan, if we close this...this has to be it." Minyoung supplied. While they were discussing that, Sunmi took the time to study Hyejeong, who had been hovering over them since they started investigating the stage. She watched as the woman's eyes kept gravitating to a certain spot near where they were gathered.

"This..." Kwangsoo started saying.

"What is it?" Jongmin asked.

"Ours is from the 16th while this is from the 23rd." Kwangsoo informed them.

"It was added later on." Jongmin supplied.

"Yes, it was added on the floor plan of the 23rd." Kwangsoo stated.

"Another floor plan was drawn right before the show." Jaewook added the facts together.

"That's right." Kwangsoo nodded. They decided to ask Hyejeong about it.

"Floor plans change often when putting together a show." She told them.

"Really?"Jongmin asked her.

"Yes." Hyejeong confirmed.

"Could it be forced open?" Sehun asked out loud.

"You better not be lying." Kwangsoo told her.

"I believe you but still..." Jongmin told her. Sunmi used that opportunity to approach Jaesuk.

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