(Episode 10) Chapter 45

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After a few moments, Jaesuk and Kwangsoo made it back to their respective wings. Jaesuk was currently checking on his book. Suddenly, they heard screams from the other side of the wall.

"What's happening over there?" Jaesuk said with a laugh as he continued to scan the book.

"Hold on. Why aren't the pages numbered? What do you think that means?" He wondered out loud.

"Do the books mean something?" Kwangsoo asked.

"I think they do. Since the pages aren't numbered, and since the only clue we have is the word PAGE, I think we have to count all of them and add the totals so we can get the passcode to open that tablet." Sunmi suggested.

"That could be it." Jaesuk agreed.

"I think that's the answer. Because they aren't numbered... One, two, three, four, five, six. We have to count them." Sehun added.

"Let's count the pages, then." Jaesuk told everyone. Sehun turned and immediately started counting the pages of the book in front of him, so did Jaesuk. Kwangsoo was observing, still a bit out of it due to the cold bath he experienced but he saw Sunmi having a hard time reaching for the book.

"Can you pull it down for me, oppa? Thank you." Sunmi said as Kwangsoo pulled it down for her.

"Let's start counting." Jaesuk instructed.

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven... Gosh. Twelve." Jaesuk was the only one counting out loud and he was distracted by the platform tipping.

"Seriously!" He called out to Kwangsoo.

"Hold on." Kwangsoo tried to defend himself.

"I got confused because of you." Jaesuk accused.

"The book is right here." Kwangsoo pointed to the book which was a bit out of his reach.

"There, try now." Jaesuk said as he grabbed onto the pole in the middle.

"Kwangsoo-hyung needs to reach it." Sehun stated as he tried to help Kwangsoo reach the book. There wasn't much he could do however as he wasn't standing on the opposite side. Kwangsoo tried to jump up to reach it, only to end up diving in the cold murky water again.

"Gosh, seven..." Jaesuk cried out as he felt the platform tip and he lost his balance, almost falling in, if it wasn't for Sehun who grabbed him.

"That moron." Jaesuk commented as Kwangsoo kept screaming because of the cold.

"Kwangsoo, that idiot. Jeez, he's a total idiot. What is wrong with you?" Jaesuk said again as he regained his balance and footing on the platform.

"Oppa, are you okay?" Sunmi called out to him.

"What's with you?" Jaesuk kept asking him.

"I'm dying here." Kwangsoo told them.

"Get back up." Jaesuk instructed and Kwangsoo tried to get himself together before jumping back onto the platform.

"Come up more. Good." Sehun told him.

"First, we should... count your pages, Sunmi-ah. Let's all count. We need to figure out how many pages there are." Jaesuk told them.

"I'm going to jump." Kwangsoo warned.

"No, not yet. It's not necessary now. You can count yours after." Jaesuk told him as he counted the pages in his book as quickly as possible.

"Mine has 34 pages." He said after a few minutes.

"Mine has 61 pages." Sunmi stated.

"That means our books have 95 pages in total." Jaesuk did the maths.

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