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The story Not If I Save You First  is based on my own ideas

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The story Not If I Save You First  is based on my own ideas. 

All the characters are fictional and not based on real people in any way. More characters will be introduced throughout the story, more than the people seen in the introductions (see next chapter), but there are only a few that matter more. You'll be able to make the distinction of who is more important and who isn't. Any resemblance to real people or other fictional character is purely coincidental. 

If you're uncomfortable with foul language, then I'd advise you to maybe not read. You've been warned. 
A teen secret agent doesn't conserve her foul language. 

I have somewhat of a playlist created for this story, so let me know if you would be interested in checking out what I listen to in order to get inspired - and what soundtrack vibes go along with the storyline. The playlist on my Spotify isn't in order with the chapters.

Spotify: samanthaauz

All the gifs and pictures were found from various searches on Pinterest. Typing in random keywords for the aesthetics of the characters that I envisioned helped to paint the story for me throughout.

I have a Pinterest board dedicated to this story titled: Not If I Save You First. For anyone that wants to see all the extra gifs and pictures, to get a representation of what I pictured in my own head. Hope it helps you all get involved in the story.

Pinterest: poisonedyouthxx

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All rights reserved.

No part of this document may be reproduced, replicated, or transmitted in any form or by any means including but limited to electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of the author; which is me. Also, republication on other websites is prohibited. (This has happened before). So, if you see my story or other stories of mine on any other server besides Wattpad, please let me know immediately. I only publish stories on Wattpad and nowhere else.

My other stories are published on my other Wattpad account: @dreamshadexx

I am starting to use this account purely for writing fictional stories that come from my own imagination. All of my other fiction writing including fanfictions are on my other account.

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Extended Summary

Espionage? Teenage spy? Sounds bonkers. That kind of thing only happens in movies.

Normal teenagers wake up every morning and go to school, come home, do homework, do their chores, go to sleep — then wake up and do it all over again.

Ariella Alderidge isn't normal.

This isn't a movie; this is my life. The life of a teenage spy. I'm Ariella Alderidge.

Ariella Alderidge, a.k.a Secret Agent Seven of Spades, is both fearless and cunning when it comes to being a secret agent. She's calculating, deceitful, and vengeful - she doesn't let anyone distract her from her missions. Secretly trained in the art of deception and espionage from the time she was a little girl. Ariella lives her life assuming the role of his disguises. That is until she faces her biggest challenge to date ...

Archer Hawthorne.

Her mercilessness and distain for other people is put to the test when she's faced with the man who is her polar opposite.

Her mission ... protect Archer Hawthorne. 

Secret Agent Seven of Spades works her mission like she would any other. However, the mission is led astray when the life of her parents comes to surface, and she has to figure out what is fact and what is fictional in order to save the life of the Hawthorne's and bring the guilty parties to justice.

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If you're reading this right now, I Love You; no if, ands, or buts about that. I love you for even clicking on this book to read. And I love those of you that will stick around until the very last chapter. A lot of people will say that this is just your average teen fiction story. However, it's so much more than that. It's a story about hope, love, family, and decision making - with a spy thriller twist.

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Also, I'd really appreciate it if people weren't ghost readers. I don't have any control over that, but I love interacting with you guys in the comment section, and I love seeing when you guys vote on the chapter. It gives me an idea of what you like to see in books like this. I've never written a book like this before, so please go easy on me. I also like when you guys give me more ideas, because most of my books are completely unedited, and I can always incorporate other ideas that you guys wish to see more of. I typically always reply to comments whether good or bad (I prefer good ones). It makes my day, because it let's me know that you guys are interested in the story. Plus it distracts me from being a real world adult. 

I'd much rather sit at my desk with a cup of iced coffee writing, then doing anything else. Seeing the views, votes, and comments go up makes me more and more inclined and motivated to keep writing this story and other stories.


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