Chapter 5

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The next day, after saying goodbye to nurse Joy, they continued their journey into the Viridian forest. The trainers and Pokemons were all very happy because they could finally battle with other people than each other.

Ash was in a simple white shirt, a royal blue jacket and baggy pants. He also had his late father's cap on and a chocker similar to Anahita's. While Gary was in a black long sleeve shirt, and dark brown jeans with a white belt.

After a while of walking, a pained Ca~ was heard. They went to investigate the noise. Following the cry, they found a very injured Caterpie. They were slightly shocked but composed themselves and jumped into action.

"Caterpie, can you hear me?" Ash whispered. While Gary searched through their bags for potions and berries.

Surprised, it went to stand up but collapsed in pain.

After Gary handed him a super potion, Ash said:

"Okay Caterpie, I will spray this super potion on you. It will sting but you will immediately feel better after."

Taking the Pokemon's Pi~ for acceptance, he sprayed a layer on him. Caterpie's wounds glowed a faint blue and disappeared. It slowly stood up and Gary gave him an oranberry. It ate the berry happily.

After Caterpie finished, it crawled onto Ash's leg.


Ash was surprised but asked:

"Do you want to come with me? I promised to take care of you."

Pi~ It agreed happily.

He took a Pokeball attached to his waist where Anahita's was. Before he caught it, he warned:

"This will feel weird."

He tapped the Pokeball on its head and it sucked Caterpie in. One... Two... Three... Ding! Ash caught Caterpie.

Ash released it from its Pokeball and scanned him with his Nanodex:

«Caterpie, the worm Pokemon. It releases a horrible stench from the antenna on its head to drive away enemies. This Caterpie is male with the ability Shield dust. It is level 6 and knows the moves string shot and tackle.»

Caterpie seemed ashamed of himself but Ash, noticing this, quickly assured him.

"Don't worry Caterpie, you are close to evolving and you can get even stronger then. You're only one level away!"

Ca! He screamed determined.

"Now, would you like a nickname?"

The Caterpie nodded.

"Mm, how about Haldis? It means 'stone spirit' for your determination."

Terpie! It acknowledged.

"Great! Haldis, meet Anahita. Anahita, Haldis."

Haldis went towards the Dratini and they had some sort of conversation in their language as they continued their journey.


In the forest, Gary caught a Kakuna. The female Kakuna, nicknamed Queen and Haldis got along great.

While battling trainers, Ash noticed that Haldis was extraordinary with speed even in his small body. He also noticed that he uses the best of his abilities to hurt avians such as Pidgeys and Spearows. He does not give mercy even to avians that are level 2. He was honestly quite brutal.

Meanwhile, with the Kakuna, she finds great pleasure in seeing her opponent tire out while trying to hurt her. When the cocoon Pokemon gets bored, she just ends their misery by knocking them out with a poison sting.

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